» Symbolism » Symbols of stones and minerals » Silimanite cat's eye. - A great movie

Silimanite cat's eye. - A great movie

Silimanit cat's eye. - Great film

Sillimanite stone "cat's eye" means benefits and price.

You can buy natural cat's eye silimanite in our store.

Silymanite's cat's eye is sometimes referred to as fibrolite because its crystals are arranged in groups that resemble fibers.

silimanite cat's eye

Silimanite comes in a variety of colors, including green, yellow, brown, blue, white, and even black. A gemstone can be detected as a truly transparent gemstone or completely opaque with a waxy sheen.

cat eye phenomenon

In gemology, the chatter or chatter or cat's eye effect is an optical reflection effect seen in some gemstones, wood, and carbon fiber. Coined from the French "œil de chat", meaning "cat's eye", the verbosity is either due to the fibrous structure of the material, as in tiger's eye quartz, or fibrous inclusions or cavities in the stone, as in cat's eye. chrysoberyl.

The vibrating precipitate in chrysoberyl is a rutile mineral composed primarily of titanium dioxide. There were no tubes or fibers in the samples tested. Rutile precipitates perpendicular to the cat's eye effect. The lattice parameter of rutile is thought to correspond to only one of the three orthorhombic axes of chrysoberyl crystals, resulting in a favorable alignment in that direction.

Sources of

He performs all over the world, in Myanmar (Burma), Sri Lanka (Ceylon), USA, Czechoslovakia, India, Italy, Germany and Brazil.

The Importance of Cat's Eye Sillimanite Crystal and Its Healing Properties

The following section is pseudo-scientific and based on cultural beliefs.

The cat's eye silimanite stone enhances leadership qualities in a person. The cat's eye of silimanite is very helpful in developing leadership skills. It is suggested to wear this stone if the person is ruled by the Moon. It balances the emotional side of a person.

This cat's eye helps the user to make the best and wisest decision in life. It gives insight into what underlies the user's living conditions. This gem binds together the rational and emotional body. It stimulates emotional healing.


Healers may find this stone useful for chakra alignment, and you may find that using it on any chakra will help align all chakras. It is a useful stone for metaphysical healers to help them determine what their client needs. Use your intuition to decide where to use it as it will help you in any chakra where you can use it.

The cost of natural cat's eye silimanite stone and the price per carat in our store:

Cat's eye sillimanite


What is silimanite cat's eye for?

It is good for people who have skin problems or allergies. It can also be used by those whose sun is stationary in their natural charts and those whose birth dates are 1 and 8. The crystal removes obstacles and delays any bad consequences.

What are the benefits of cat's eye gemstones?

The gemstone can alleviate psychological anxiety caused by a lack of need. It can break the anxiety. Wearing a cat's eye can give you a better visualization and restore your memory. These are all important advantages of the stone.

What are the benefits of cat's eye stone?

Wearing cat's eye gemstones can help you deal with such experiences more often, bringing you peace and harmony. It helps a person isolate himself from materialistic attachments and achieve spiritual enlightenment. The energies of Ketu can help in spiritual development, especially if you are an evangelist or a religious seeker.

Natural cat's eye silimanite is sold in our gemstone shop

We make bespoke silimanite jewelry in the form of wedding rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, pendants… contact us for an offer.