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Champagne Topaz - New Update 2021 - Great Video

Champagne Topaz - New Update 2021 - Great Video

Champagne topaz is a natural silicate mineral consisting of aluminum and fluorine Al2SiO4(F,OH)2. After irradiation, the stone becomes brown.

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Meaning of Champagne Topaz

The stone crystallizes in the form of rhombuses. Its crystals are mostly prismatic with pyramidal and other facets. It is also one of the hardest minerals found in nature.

Hardness on the Mohs scale 8. This hardness is combined with normal transparency. It comes in different colors. This means that it has found wide use in jewelry, including as a polished stone, as well as for intaglio printing and other gemstone sculptures.


In its natural state, topaz is golden brown to yellow in color. Because of its color, it looks like a lemon. Various impurities and treatments can make it wine red, as well as pale gray, reddish orange, pale green or pink, and from opaque to translucent - transparent. The pink and red varieties are derived from chromium, which replaces aluminum in its crystal structure.

Although it is very difficult, we need to take care of topaz more than others.

minerals of the same hardness. Due to the weakness of the atomic bond of stone particles along one or another axial plane. It tends to break along such a plane when struck with sufficient force.

Topaz has a relatively low refractive index for a stone. Thus, stones with large surfaces or tables do not glow as easily as stones cut from minerals with higher refractive indices. Although the quality is colorless, it sparkles and shows more life than similarly cut quartz. Once you get the typical great cut, it can be table fireworks. Surrounded by the dead faces of the crown. Or a ring of a shiny crown surface with a matte pad.

Irradiation of a stone with champagne topaz

A few years ago, it was discovered that colorless topaz crystals could be treated with nuclear radiation. the ionizing energy of the radiation would change the color of the stone. The radioactive energy slightly alters the crystal. It creates a color center that gives color to a previously colorless crystal. After irradiation, the stone first turns brown to a brownish-green color.

The brown tint can be removed by gentle heating. Or even after being exposed to strong sunlight for several days. The types of radiation used to achieve this shift include gamma rays, including beta rays, from high-energy electrons, and neutron rays.

Metaphysical properties of champagne topaz

The following section is pseudo-scientific and based on cultural beliefs.

Champagne topaz is a stone of spiritual connection and a great friend when you are doing cosmic clearing or manifestation. This can release anger and accumulate negative emotions. It promotes success and inspires creative imagination.

Champagne topaz chakras

Feel strong, focused and confident with these special pieces of Champagne Topaz! Champagne topaz is a protective gem that will activate your root chakra.

Topaz with champagne


What is the most valuable color of topaz?

The most valuable pink and red topaz. Immediately behind them are orange and yellow topaz stones.

Is the price of topaz champagne expensive?

Brown topaz is also less valuable, being used in glamorous jewelry and arts and crafts. In nature, topaz is most often colorless, and naturally strong blue gemstones are extremely rare.

Can I wear a champagne topaz stone every day?

Can topaz be worn every day? Since topaz is a hard stone, it is suitable for everyday wear. However, it is also susceptible to damage from strong impacts or impacts.

Natural champagne topaz is sold in our gemstone shop

We make custom champagne topaz jewelry such as wedding rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, pendants… Please contact us for a quote.