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Sphalerite - zinc sulfide

Sphalerite - zinc sulfide

Mineral properties of sphalerite gem crystal.

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Sphalerite is the main zinc mineral. It consists predominantly of zinc sulfide in crystalline form. But it almost always contains variable iron. When the iron content is high, it is a dull black variety, marmatite. We usually found it in combination with galena, but also with pyrite and other sulfides.

Along with calcite also dolomite and fluorite. It is also known that miners refer to sphalerite as a mixture of zinc, blackjack and ruby ​​jack.

The mineral crystallizes in a cubic crystal system. In the crystal structure, zinc and sulfur atoms have tetrahedral coordination. The structure is closely related to the structure of diamond.

The hexagonal analog is the wurtzite structure. The lattice constant for zinc sulfide in the zinc mixture crystal structure is 0.541 nm, calculated from the geometry and ion beams of 0.074 nm zinc and 0.184 nm sulfide. Creates ABCABC layers.


All natural sphalerite stones contain finite concentrations of various impurity elements. As a rule, they replace the position of zinc in the network. Cd and Mn are most common, but Ga, Ge and In can also be present in relatively high concentrations of 100 to 1000 ppm.

The content of these elements is determined by the conditions for the formation of a sphalerite crystal. This is the most important molding temperature as well as the fluid composition.


Its color is usually yellow, brown, or gray to grey-black, and may be glossy or dull. Brilliance is diamond-like, resinous to sub-metallic for varieties with a high iron content. It has a yellow or light brown band, a hardness of 3.5 to 4, and a specific gravity of 3.9 to 4.1. Some specimens have a red iridescence in grey-black crystals.

Their name is Ruby Sphalerite. Pale yellow and red varieties contain very little iron and are clear. Darker and more opaque varieties contain more iron. Some specimens also fluoresce under ultraviolet light.

The refractive index measured with sodium light, 589.3 nm, is 2.37. It crystallizes in an isometric crystal arrangement and has excellent dodecahedral cleavage properties.

sphalerite properties

The following section is pseudo-scientific and based on cultural beliefs.

This very interesting crystal will help you harmonize your feminine and masculine aspects as well as unleash your creativity. This is a powerful crystal that will ground you spiritually, especially if you meditate with crystals and stones that work with the higher chakras.

It is also an effective healing crystal that will benefit your body on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.



What is sphalerite used for?

For industrial purposes, the stone is used in galvanized iron, brass and batteries. The mineral is also used as a mildew resistant component in some paints.

Where is sphalerite found?

The finest gemstone came from the Aliva mine in the Picos de Europa mountains in the Cantabria region on the north coast of Spain. The mine was closed in 1989 and is now within the boundaries of the national park.

In the United States, the most important deposits are in the Mississippi River Valley. In solution cavities and zones exposed in limestones and cherts, there is a stone associated with chalcopyrite, galena, marcasite, and dolomite.

What is a sphalerite fracture?

The neckline is perfect. The fracture is uneven or conchoidal. Mohs hardness ranges from 3.5 to 4, and the luster is diamond, resinous or oily.

How much does sphalerite cost?

The stone costs from 20 to 200 dollars per carat. The cost depends on many factors, but the most important factors are cut, color and clarity. You need to find a qualified appraiser who understands rare gems.

Is the sphalerite gem rare or common?

It is quite rare as a gemstone. Top grade specimens are valued for exceptional fire resistance or dispersion that is greater than that of a diamond.

How to recognize sphalerite?

One of the most characteristic properties of a sphalerite crystal is its greater fineness than that of diamond. It also features six lines of perfect cleavage with faces ranging from tarry to diamond sheen. Specimens showing this distinctive division are easy to identify.

How is the mineral sphalerite obtained?

The stone is mined from underground mining. It is a zinc ore that forms in veinlets, which are long layers of rock and minerals that form underground. For this reason, underground mining is the preferred mining method. Other mining methods, such as open pit mining, would be too expensive and difficult.

Natural sphalerite is sold in our gemstone shop

We make bespoke sphalerite jewelry such as wedding rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, pendants… Please contact us for a quote.