» Symbolism » Symbols of stones and minerals » Serpentine Significance - new update 2021 - great video

Serpentine Significance - new update 2021 - great video

Serpentine Significance - new update 2021 - great video

The meaning of the green crystal in the shape of a snake.

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Snakestone is a rock composed of one or more serpentine minerals, the name comes from the snake skin-like texture of the rock.

The minerals of this group, rich in magnesium and water, are light green to dark green in color, greasy and slippery to the touch, and are formed by serpentine, hydration, and metamorphic transformation of ultramafic rocks in the Earth's mantle. The transformation of minerals is especially important on the seafloor at tectonic plate boundaries.


Serpentization is a geologic low-temperature heat-water metamorphic process in which low-silica mafic and ultramafic rocks are oxidized, Fe2 + anaerobic oxidation by water protons to form H2) and hydrolyzed by water to serpentinite.

Peridotite, including dunite found on and near the seafloor and in mountain belts, is converted into serpentine, brucite, magnetite and other minerals, some of which are rare, such as awaruite, and even native iron. In this process, a large amount of water is absorbed by the rock, increasing in volume, reducing density and damaging the structure.

Density varies from 3.3 to 2.7 g/cm3 with a simultaneous increase in volume by 30-40%. The reaction is highly exothermic and the temperature of the rocks can rise by about 260°C, providing an energy source for the formation of non-volcanic hydrothermal vents.

The chemical reactions that make up magnetite produce hydrogen gas under anaerobic conditions deep within the mantle, far from Earth's atmosphere. The carbonates and sulfates are then reduced with hydrogen to form methane and hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen, methane and hydrogen sulfide are sources of energy for the deep sea, chemotrophs of microorganisms.

Decorative stone in architecture.

Serpentine varieties with higher calcite content, along with the green antique breccia form of serpentinite, have historically been used as decorative stones due to their marble properties. For example, the College Hall of the University of Pennsylvania in the USA is built of serpentine.

Popular sources in Europe prior to American contact were the mountainous region of Piedmont in Italy and Larissa in Greece.

The benefits of green serpentine value and healing properties

The following section is pseudo-scientific and based on cultural beliefs.

Green Crystal Stone Meaning and Healing Properties: Stone of Independence. This stone will help you overcome emotional binge eating, bulimia, anorexia, and binge eating.

Its green energy can be used with concentrated intent to open the heart chakra and increase prosperity, happiness, and the ability to capitalize on all your hard work.

Pakistani streamer


What is serpentine for?

The stone is mainly used as an ornamental stone or for decorative items. Gemstones have been used as a source of magnesium, in asbestos, and for personal adornments or sculptures throughout history. Various minerals have even been used in architecture for thousands of years.

What is serpentine for?

The crystal helps to consciously direct healing energy to problem areas. It corrects mental and emotional imbalances, helping you feel more confident in your life. Treats diabetes and hypoglycemia. Eliminates parasites in the body and supports the absorption of calcium and magnesium.

What does a streamer crystal look like?

The stone is apple to black in color and is often covered in light and dark areas. Its surfaces often have a shiny or waxy appearance and are slightly soapy. The rock is usually fine-grained and dense, but may be granular, lamellar, or fibrous.

Jade is a snake?

Throughout history, its varieties have been confused with jade, and some stones are still referred to as jade today. In fact, the Chinese word for jade refers to a variety of minerals, including serpentine, agate, and quartz!

Is serpentine poisonous?

The stone is non-toxic. It sometimes contains the fibrous mineral chrysotile asbestos, but chrysotile is not a form of asbestos that has been shown to cause mesothelioma and lung cancer.

Is there gold in the serpentine?

Gold-bearing quartz veins are not commonly found in crystal, but gold veins are often closely associated with this rock. Placer gold deposits downstream are often richer than outcrop areas.

Is the streamer used in jewelry?

The gemstone is mainly used in carving and jewelry making. However, it is also often used as part of holistic wellness practices due to its supposed healing and spiritual qualities.

Are serpentine jewelry safe?

There is nothing wrong or dangerous about wearing jewelry. Streamers commonly used in jewelry manufacturing contain little or no asbestos, or they cannot release asbestos in the form of airborne fibers. The non-fiber streamer is completely safe.

How to recognize a snake stone?

It is quite soft and light, with a specific gravity of 2.44 to 2.62, which is slightly lower than that of quartz. Its luster can be oily, waxy or silky. It can sometimes be mistaken for jade jade, but jade is much stronger, harder, and has a less oily sheen.

What are the types of streamers?

The composition of these common rock-forming minerals is similar to Mg3Si2O5(OH)4. This gem usually comes in three polymorphs: chrysotile, a fibrous variety used as asbestos, antigorite, a variety found in corrugated sheets or fibers, and lizardite, a very fine-grained lamellar variety.

Is serpentine magnetic?

It is easy to see that they usually contain many tiny crystals of magnetite, since the crystalline grains are usually very susceptible to a magnetic field, although the mineral itself is not at all magnetic.

Natural serpentine for sale in our gemstone shop

We make custom serpentine jewelry in the form of wedding rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, pendants… Please contact us for a quote.