» Symbolism » Symbols of stones and minerals » Sugar quartz - snow-white beauty

Sugar quartz - snow-white beauty

Sugar or snow quartz is a white mineral with a transparent structure. It got its names due to its appearance, because visually the stone really looks like a ball of snow or a piece of refined sugar. One of the features of the gem is its ability to stay cool, regardless of the external temperature. In addition, the prevalence of sugar quartz allows you to create all kinds of jewelry from it, which are quite affordable for everyone.

In addition to its unique appearance, the gem is also valued for its energy properties. It is very popular with lithotherapists, magicians and esotericists, therefore it is often used in alternative medicine and magical rituals to solve various problems, both with health and personal life.


Sugar quartz - snow-white beauty

The characteristics of sugar quartz are completely identical to all varieties of this mineral. These include:

  • hardness - 7 on the Mohs scale;
  • gloss - glassy, ​​waxy, matte (depending on growth conditions and impurities);
  • dissolves in hydrofluoric acid and alkali melts;
  • is a dielectric and a piezoelectric;
  • resistant to high temperatures.

The main deposits are located in the Urals, Chukotka, Yakutia, the Kola Peninsula. Significant deposits can also be found in Ukraine and in the countries of Central Asia.


Sugar quartz - snow-white beauty

A few centuries ago, snow quartz began to be widely used not only as a tool for healing, but also in magical rituals. Both alternative medicine and esotericism have no doubts about its power, which helps any person, regardless of gender and age.


Sugar quartz - snow-white beauty

Sugar quartz is a powerful energy carrier. It fills the owner with special power, making him stronger both morally, physically and spiritually.

The magical properties of the mineral include:

  • cheers up;
  • helps to cope with depression, blues, despondency;
  • gives self-confidence and self-confidence;
  • reveals talents, gives inspiration;
  • protects from negative witchcraft spells - love spell, evil eye, damage, curses;
  • absorbs the negative energy of the house, thereby preventing quarrels, scandals, misunderstandings, betrayals.


Sugar quartz - snow-white beauty

The healing properties of snow quartz are an inexhaustible topic for research and even reasoning. There are so many of them that lithotherapists advise absolutely everyone to wear a gem, regardless of age, be it an adult or a child.

It is believed that the energy of the stone envelops the owner, like a protective dome, preventing not only the onset of various diseases, but also helps to eliminate existing ones.

The healing properties of the mineral also include:

  • strengthens the immune system, protects against colds and flu;
  • accelerates the healing of burns, open wounds, cuts, ulcers, abscesses;
  • rejuvenates the body;
  • relieves puffiness;
  • improves brain activity;
  • treats mental illness;
  • eliminates a headache, even the most severe;
  • improves vision;
  • solves problems with reproductive function;
  • helps to recover faster after surgery and complex illnesses.


Sugar quartz - snow-white beauty

Snow quartz is widely used in the jewelry industry, but only high-quality minerals are suitable for this, without significant defects and of medium size.

Beads with a mineral, bracelets, pendants, especially those made in the shape of a ball, look very beautiful. Such accessories will undoubtedly emphasize the image, add sophistication and special charm to the girl.

Also, the gem is used as amulets. A small crystal can be worn in the inner pocket of clothing, thereby protecting oneself from diseases and negativity from the outside.

Who is suitable for the sign of the zodiac

Sugar quartz - snow-white beauty

According to astrologers, the gem has a capricious "temper", so it is not suitable for everyone.

  • Best of all, the stone suits Libra. It will help a person to be more self-confident and make the right decisions in difficult situations.
  • For Scorpios, the gem will help establish relationships with others, smooth out sharp corners in character, and also fill the owner with vitality and inner strength.
  • Aquarius is a very capricious sign, like the mineral itself. It is for this reason that they will find complete understanding and their energies will find harmony with each other.