» Symbolism » Symbols of stones and minerals » Septarian nodule deposits - great video

Septarian nodule deposits - great video

Septarian nodule deposits - great video

Septal nodules mean rock, or septal septa are nodules containing siderite and calcite, angular cavities or fissures.

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Septarian concretions arose during the Cretaceous, about 50-70 million years ago. Then the sea level was much higher, and the Gulf of Mexico reached the southern part of Utah, where many stones were found. They can also be found in Madagascar where conditions were similar.

Periodic volcanic eruptions killed smaller marine organisms, which sank to the seafloor and began to decompose. Minerals in the shells and carcasses attracted bottom sediments, which accumulated around the carcasses and formed lumps or mud clods.

When the ocean finally receded, the mud balls dried up and began to shrink and crack, creating the beautiful patterns that can be seen inside the rocks.


Septarian rock concretions are concretions containing siderite and calcite, angular cavities or fissures called "septaria". The word comes from the Latin word partition "partition" and refers to cracks/separations in this type of rock.

There is an erroneous explanation that it comes from the Latin word for seven, septem, denoting the number of frequently occurring cracks. Cracks vary greatly in shape and volume, as well as the amount of shrinkage they indicate.

Although it is generally accepted that the concretions grew gradually from the inside out, the fact that the radially oriented cracks narrow towards the periphery of the septarian concretions suggests that in these cases the periphery was more rigid and the inner softer.

Presumably due to a gradient in the amount of cement deposited. The process of creating barriers that characterize nodules remains a mystery.

A number of mechanisms, i.e. dehydration of cores rich in clay, gels, or organics, compression of the center of concrete, expansion of gases due to decay of organic matter, brittle fracture or compression of the interior of concrete due to earthquakes or compaction, etc. have been proposed to create a septaria

The value of the septal node and medicinal properties

The following section is pseudo-scientific and based on cultural beliefs.

The emotional healing properties of this stone will give you the emotional stability you need, as well as the support and strength to keep moving forward. It will also show perseverance and courage and help you stop feeling lost, scared, or unwanted.

Septal lump under the microscope


How are septarian rocks formed?

The stone was formed as a result of volcanic eruptions and compressed matter of the Dead Sea creatures. Therefore, rock bonds are formed in the sediment by "nodules" of mud masses and mixed organic material.

Are septarian nodules of siderite rare?

Yes. In some collections you will see these stones very rarely.

Where are septal nodules located?

Sometimes referred to as lightning, it can also be found on Lake Michigan in the US, as well as New Zealand, England, Morocco, and Madagascar.

How much does a septarian cost?

You can get a stone for less than $50, or you can get even smaller pieces for less. Septarian jewelry can be as affordable as getting a sample.

What is the use of septaria?

Septarian energies are very effective at absorbing calcium. They can also help warm up the limbs and energize the entire body. This will help relieve pain and provide a much needed boost to your immune system. It can also help stop nighttime twitches and muscle spasms.

Our gem shop sells natural septarian cone

We custom make Septarian cones in the form of wedding rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, pendants… Please contact us for a quote.