» Symbolism » Symbols of stones and minerals » Moldavite - green silica rocket formed by meteorite impact - video

Moldavite is a green silica rocket formed by meteorite impact - video

Moldavite is a green silica rocket formed by meteorite impact - video

Moldavite is a green, olive green or blue-green vitreous rock formed by a meteorite impact in southern Germany about 15 million years ago. This is a type of tektite.

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For the first time, moldavite was presented to the scientific public in 1786. As the chrysolites of Tyn nad Vltavou, in a lecture by Josef Mayer from the University of Prague, read at a meeting of the Czech Scientific Society Mayer 1788. Zippe in 1836. Moldavskaya River in the Czech Republic, from where the first described specimens appeared.


Chemical formula SiO2 (+ Al2O3). Its properties are similar to those of other types of glass, with claimed Mohs hardness ranging from 5.5 to 7. It can be clear or translucent with a mossy green color, with swirls and bubbles accentuating its mossy appearance. The stone can be distinguished from green imitations of glass by observing worm-like inclusions of leschatellerite in them.


The total number of stones scattered around the world is estimated at 275 tons.

There are three grades of this stone: high quality, often referred to as museum quality, medium quality, and regular. All three degrees can be distinguished by appearance. Common variety pieces are usually darker and more intense green, and the surface is perceived as heavily pitted or weathered. This type sometimes seems broken, except for the most part.

The museum view has a distinct fern-like pattern and is much more transparent than the normal view. There is usually quite a big price difference between them. High quality stones are often used for handmade jewelry.

In Cesky Krumlov in the Czech Republic there is a Moldovan museum, the Vltavin Museum. The Moldovan Association was founded in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2014. The association is engaged in the study, exhibition and promotion of stones around the world and includes geological members from more than 30 countries.

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