» Symbolism » Symbols of stones and minerals » Moonstone: how to distinguish from a fake

Moonstone: how to distinguish from a fake

Moonstone, also known as adularia, is a natural gem that is highly valued in the jewelry industry. It has always deserved special attention due to its peculiarity - the effect of iridescence, which manifests itself in the form of beautiful shining blue overflows on the surface of the mineral. However, on the shelves of jewelry stores, only a small part of adularia was found in natural conditions. Everything else is an imitation, a synthesized crystal or even plastic or glass.

In this article, we will tell you how to identify a fake and find out if the moonstone in front of you is natural or fake.

Natural moonstone: visual characteristics

Moonstone: how to distinguish from a fake

Natural adularia can be painted in different shades:

  • yellow;
  • light gray;
  • completely colorless.

But the main characteristic feature of the gem is the presence of a blue glare, the saturation of which can be different. In fact, this is the main feature by which the authenticity of the adularia is determined. It should be remembered that the iridescence that is characteristic of a natural mineral is just a highlight. It does not appear at all on the entire surface, but only in some areas and at a certain angle of inclination - 10-15 °. But the glass will flicker at any angle, no matter how you tilt it.

Moonstone: how to distinguish from a fake

Another main characteristic of a natural gem is the presence of various inclusions that were formed during the growth of the crystal. These are cracks, chips, scratches, air bubbles and other internal defects. Moreover, most people think that this is a poor-quality adularia. But in vain! The presence of all these inclusions is proof that you have a real mineral created by nature itself. But the synthesized moonstone will be ideal in its structure - it is absolutely pure and devoid of these shortcomings.

Moonstone: how to distinguish from a fake

The tactile sensation from natural adularia is of great importance. Take it in your hand, squeeze it in the palm of your hand. Natural moonstone will resemble silk and will keep cool for a while. Plastic and glass will immediately become warm. If you want to at least roughly understand what it is about, touch marble or granite. They are always cold, even if the room is warm. This is one of the main characteristics of natural minerals.

If the seller allows, you can conduct a small test. Submerge the stone in water, no matter what temperature it is. The shade of natural adularia will immediately become more saturated, but the fake will not change.

Moonstone: how to distinguish from a fake

And of course, a real moonstone cannot be cheap. If you are offered an adularia jewelry for a penny, then be sure that they want to deceive you. Otherwise, ask the seller to show the quality certificate.

Moonstone: how to distinguish from a fake

If you want to become the owner of jewelry with natural moonstone, then it is best to make a purchase in trusted jewelry stores that value their reputation and simply will not allow themselves to offer you a fake.