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Laser Hair Removal

Neolaser offers customers a wide range of laser treatment options with little or no downtime. For those looking for the best solution for unwanted hair, Neolaser offers state of the art laser technology to reduce unwanted facial and body hair.

Laser Hair Removal

Treatment areas include the face and body. With the help of advanced technology, only the hair follicles are treated, without affecting the surrounding skin. Laser technologies can also treat vascular lesions, cherry angiomas, reduce wrinkles, reduce dark or brown spots, and tighten the skin.

Why laser hair removal

Hair removal with laser treatments aims to give you long-term, even permanent results. In just a few treatments, we can clear your skin of unwanted hair that has been bothering you for so long.

Traditional hair removal methods such as waxing, shaving, depilatory creams, plucking/plucking, sugaring, and threading only provide temporary results—some less than 24 hours. Within hours, or perhaps days, you're back to it again, hunched over a magnifying mirror to pluck facial hair, run a razor across delicate skin, or endure painful waxing.

The laser has another benefit in that you don't have to grow your hair days before the procedure to make it work like you would with other methods. Once you start working with Neolaser, you will start your hair-free life wherever you want!

Laser Hair Removal

What causes hair growth?

Heredity and ethnicity are the main causes of hair growth. Excessive or excessive hair growth in women is often the result of normal biological changes they undergo throughout life, such as puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and old age. Any of these changes can cause increased hair growth in areas that never had hair before, or worsen a small to moderate problem area. Other causes of hair growth may be related to certain medications, stress, and obesity. More serious causes can be endocrine disorders such as irregular menstrual cycles, ovarian disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome, and thyroid abnormalities.

Most laser procedures will not be painful. The procedures are virtually painless and vary from patient to patient. Patients describe a range of sensations during treatment, from tingling to the click of a rubber band.

Number of laser hair removal treatments

The exact number of supporting laser procedures is individual. On average, it may take six to eight treatments to clear the area. There are clients who need four treatments, and a small minority who need more than eight, but far less than you need, to achieve cleanliness with electrolysis, the only other permanent hair removal method. Areas with coarser dark hair, such as the shins, bikinis, and underarms, do best with the fewest treatments. The face may be one of the most resistant areas and may require more sessions. After treatment is completed, some hair will never grow back, but some hair may need intermittent treatment every year or so.