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Labradorite feldspar

Labradorite feldspar

Meaning and metaphysical properties of labradorite crystal.

You can buy natural labradorite in our store.

Properties of labradorite

The feldspar mineral is an intermediate member of the plagioclase series with respect to calcium. It has an anorthic percentage of 50 to 70. The specific gravity ranges from 2.68 to 2.72. The streak is white, like most silicates. The refractive index ranges from 1.559 to 1.573.

And partnerships are common. As with all members of plagioclase, the arrangement of crystals is triclinic. There are three divisions. Two of which are almost at right angles.

And they are more obvious, from good to excellent quality. The third direction is weak. It occurs as transparent grains, also white to grey, in blocks to plates in common igneous rocks. Just like basalt and gabbro, as well as anorthosite.

The geologic type area for labradorite is Paula Island near the city of Nain in Labrador, Canada. It has also been reported in Norway, Finland and other places around the world.

The stone is in mafia igneous rocks. And it is a variety of feldspar most commonly found in basalt and gabbro. Unusual anorthosite bodies are composed almost entirely of labradorite. It also occurs in metamorphic amphibolites and as a clastic component of some deposits. Common minerals in igneous rocks are olivine, as well as pyroxenes, amphiboles, and magnetite.


Labradorite exhibits an iridescent optical effect known as labradorescence. The term labradorization was coined by Ove Balthazar Boggild, who defined it as labradorization as follows.

Labradorization is a special reflection of light from submicroscopic planes oriented in the same direction. Rarely in two directions, these aircraft have never had such a position. They can be expressed using simple pointers. And they are not visible directly under a microscope.

The reason for this optical phenomenon is the phase expansion of the lamellar structure. The effect is visible when the distance between the plates is between 128 and 252 nm. The lamellae are not necessarily parallel. It was found that there is no long-range order in the lamellar structure.

Lamellar layering occurs only in plagioclases of a certain composition. Especially from calcium labradorite and bytonite. Another requirement for plate separation is very slow cooling of the rock. Contains plagioclase.

Slow cooling is required to ensure the diffusion of Ca ions as well as Na, Si and Al through the plagioclase. And produce a separation of the plates. Therefore, not all stones show labradorescence. Perhaps this is the wrong composition. Or they cooled down too quickly. And not all labrador plagioclases are labradorites.

Certain varieties of labradorite stones with a high degree of labradorescence are called spectrolites.

The Importance of Labradorite and Metaphysical Properties

The following section is pseudo-scientific and based on cultural beliefs.

The meaning and metaphysical properties of the labradorite crystal are considered to be one of the strongest protectors. The gemstone creates a shield for the aura and protects from the negativity of the surrounding world. It is also said to weaken the negativity within us.


What are the healing properties of labradorite?

The stone of transformation, labradorite, is a useful companion in change, adding strength and perseverance. It balances and protects the aura, increases awareness and enhances spiritual energy. Perfectly strengthens intuition - contributes to the development of psychic abilities.

What are the benefits of labradorite?

Strongly enhances intuition - promotes psychic abilities. Crystalline meaning and metaphysical properties drive away fears and insecurities, strengthen confidence in oneself and in the Universe. It stimulates the imagination and calms the overactive mind, develops enthusiasm and new ideas.

What chakra is suitable for labradorite?

The stone is known for its changing colors, so it is not surprising that it is known as a stone of transformation, boosting willpower and inner worth. This stone is said to stimulate the throat chakra.

Can labradorite be worn every day?

The great thing about crystals is that they always look trendy and elegant. You can wear them as everyday jewelry to make the most of their energy.

On which hand should labradorite be worn?

It is known that a stone in the form of a ring is worn on the ring finger of the right hand, which is right for right-handers and left for left-handers. The stone should be worn during Shukla Paksha on Friday evening.

Can labradorite get into water?

It is slightly sensitive to water, and its beautiful luster and brilliance may deteriorate when immersed in water for a long time. Limescale is fine if rinsed quickly under running water, such as rain or under a waterfall, but if left in a pool indefinitely, it will be damaged.

How to recognize a fake labradorite?

Fake gems will not have this color change when changing angles. Often it will look dull or gray at one angle, light blue or red when rotated, fakes will remain permanently colored.

Does labradorite scratch easily?

The crystal is only rated 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale, which is softer than quartz. This means that it can be easily scratched even by dust. Quartz is the main component of dust.

Does labradorite fade in the sun?

Exposure to the sun can cause the crystals to fade, as well as make them brittle or very hot. It is well known that he is not bothered by the light. Extended periods of direct sunlight can cause a deeply colored stone to fade over time.

Where to put the labradorite stone in the house?

Keep large pieces of crystal in your living room. It is believed that it cleanses the environment from negative vibrations. People tend to bring energy home with them. Their negative climate can persist even after they physically leave the premises.

Is labradorite a lucky stone?

Stones are a mystical protector. Obtaining the characteristic energies of the Sun and the Moon. This helps ensure success and bring about changes in the quality of life.

Is labradorite the same as moonstone?

The gemstone is classified as plagioclase and calcium-sodium feldspar. Moonstone is potassium-sodium orthoclase and feldspar. Hence, they are related stones. They belong to the same feldspar family, but are gemologically distinct.

Why does labradorite glow?

This is an amazing mineral. It can represent a beautiful iridescent play of colors caused by internal cracks in the mineral that reflect light back and forth, scattering it into different colors. This effect, known as labradorescence, gives the stone its allure and notoriety.

Natural labradorite sold in our gemstone shop

We make bespoke labradorite jewelry such as wedding rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, pendants… Please contact us for a quote.