argillite stone

Argillite is a name given to solid rocks that have occurred as a result of dehydration, pressing and recrystallization of clays. As a rule, the stone is not considered as a jewelry value and you are unlikely to find jewelry with it. Despite the fact that mudstone is very similar in composition to clay, it is still more hard and resistant to soaking.


argillite stone

The mineral belongs to sedimentary formations, since its composition is formed due to rocks destroyed under the influence of natural phenomena under the influence of high temperature and pressure.

The structure of the mineral is not homogeneous, but contains layers consisting of sand, dust and clay. In fact, despite this composition, the stone is considered quite solid. On the Mohs scale, he received 4 points.

The main shades of the breed:

  • blue-gray;
  • black;
  • gray-black;
  • light.

The luster of the mineral is resinous, with a silky surface. The stone itself is quite fragile. If handled incorrectly, it can easily crumble.

Deposits and mining of mudstone

argillite stone

The main rock deposit is located on a group of islands in British Columbia. It is known that many centuries ago stone was used for the manufacture of tools, utensils and other utensils, the main purpose of which is the maintenance of life and the extraction of provisions. In addition, the main variety of argillite - catlinite - was used by the Sioux Indian people in the northern United States and southern Canada to create their cultural symbol - the pipe of peace, with the help of which peace agreements were concluded and rituals were performed.

argillite stone

The main method of argillite mining is quarrying. For this, standard excavation equipment is used, and all the found mineral is immediately transferred for analysis, research and processing. In addition, dry sunny weather should be observed during excavations, since at the slightest increase in humidity, mudstone completely crumbles and excavations in this case are irrational.


argillite stone

Argillite is used in many areas, but mainly in construction. Due to the melting of the mineral at high temperature, it is added to various mixtures to improve its astringent properties.

Also, the stone is used for sculpting decorative elements of the interior and exterior. If all the work is done correctly and imagination is shown, then due to the heterogeneous layered structure of mudstone, you can create very beautiful stucco molding in the form of patterns, smooth lines, and even images of people and animals.

argillite stone

Argillite is also incredibly popular among sculptors and artists. Despite the fact that the mineral is quite difficult to work with (it is difficult to process), it is great for creating sculptures and three-dimensional paintings, which are varnished at the end and look amazing.