andesine stone

Andesine is a mineral of the plagioclase class. The highest quality aggregates are classified as semi-precious stones, which, in turn, are very much appreciated by collectors and jewelry lovers. The color in which the gem can be painted is very different. However, it cannot be said that any particular shade is more appreciated. Regardless of the color, andesine is a very beautiful mineral, although it causes some distrust, due to the fact that in everyday life it is also called the “stone of deception”. What is the significance of such a mysterious mineral as andesine, and whether it has special properties that are inherent in any natural gem, you will learn in this article.


andesine stone

Andesine was first discovered back in 1841 in a Columbia mine. The mineral got its name thanks to the Andes - mountains in South America. It is most commonly found in rocks such as diorites, andesites, syenites and dacites in the form of granular aggregates. However, it can also form columnar or tabular crystals.

The color of the mineral is varied:

  • Gray;
  • yellow;
  • red;
  • pale green.

andesine stone

The brilliance of the gem is glassy, ​​pure. Transparency can be both ideal and translucent due to the intensity of the color. Hardness on the Mohs scale is from 6 to 6,5 points, but this does not indicate the significant strength of the stone, since, in fact, it is quite fragile.

One of the main advantages of andesine is its resistance to high temperatures and absolute insolubility to acids.

Main deposits:

  • France;
  • Italy;
  • Germany;
  • Japan;
  • Czech;
  • Russia;
  • USA.

Magical and healing properties

andesine stone

In lithotherapy, andesine is mainly used to increase immunity and strengthen the body as a whole. It has a depressing effect on any manifestations of any diseases and at the same time helps support the body in the fight against ailments.

Experts in the field of alternative medicine recommend wearing a stone for allergy sufferers, as well as people with heart and vascular disease.

To calm the nervous system and establish peace of mind, it is advisable to drink a glass of water every day, in which the mineral lay for at least a day. Such treatment contributes not only to the treatment of internal inflammation, but also helps to establish reproductive function. Such water is especially useful for women who cannot get pregnant for a long time.

andesine stone

As for the magical properties, the esotericists are unanimous in one opinion: andesine is a positive, “sunny” gem that is able to set the owner in the right mood, add optimism, love of life and protect him from any negativity.


andesine stone

All andesine is divided into two types:

  • used in industry;
  • used in jewelry (only high-quality samples).

The first type is most often used in the manufacture of ceramic products or in the process of studying rocks.

andesine stone

High-quality andesine aggregates are processed, polished, faceted and inserted into jewelry. Andesine is especially valued with small inclusions of hematite, which visually adds a golden shimmer to the mineral. Such gems are also called "sun stone".

Who suits andesine according to the zodiac sign

andesine stone

According to astrologers, the mineral is most suitable for such zodiac signs as Aries and Leo. As an amulet or talisman, it will give its owner peace of mind, inner harmony, protect him from negative manifestations from the outside, and also help in various situations of professional and personal life.

As for the rest of the signs, the gem is contraindicated only for Gemini and Pisces. The energy of andesine will make these people more lazy, sluggish, apathetic and dreamy in the bad sense of the word.

For everyone else, the gem can only be worn as an adornment, not particularly relying on any help, but also without worrying that the stone can harm.