» Symbolism » Symbols of stones and minerals » How to clean and care for jewelry and gemstones

How to clean and care for jewelry and gemstones

Diamond earrings, emerald rings, ruby ​​bracelets, sapphire pendants; No doubt, everyone loves beautiful gemstone jewelry. Gemstones are literally as hard as stone, but they can be damaged through careless handling and carelessness. Here are some tips to keep your gems and jewelry looking great for years to come.

How to clean and care for jewelry and gemstones


  1. Remember that even the hardest gemstones can be damaged if they contain inclusions that weaken the crystal structure. Use common sense: if you have a set of rings with softer gemstones or the included gemstone, take them off before intense exercise. Even the hardest gem of all, the diamond, can split in two with one well-placed blow. Never remove rings by pulling on the stone: this habit can lead to the loss of the gemstone.
  2. Most importantly, store each piece of gemstone jewelry separately so that harder stones don't scratch softer ones. Almost every gemstone is much harder than the metal it is set into. Gems can scratch the surface of your gold, silver, or platinum if you throw your jewelry in a pile in a jewelry box or box.
  3. Rings in particular tend to collect dust and soap behind the gemstone, especially if you wear them all the time. You need to clean them regularly to allow light to get inside to keep your gemstones shining. To clean clear crystalline gemstones, simply soak them in water and mild dish soap. Use a basin of water rather than a sink to eliminate the risk of anything ending up down the drain. If necessary, use a soft toothbrush to clean stone by stone. Rinse off the soap and dry with a lint-free cloth (make sure the threads don't catch on the teeth). For a diamond, ruby, or sapphire, a little ammonia in the rinse water won't hurt and can add extra sparkle (platinum and gold only, not silver!). Think twice before placing gems in an ultrasonic cleaner. Diamonds, rubies, and sapphires will do, but many other gemstones won't.
  4. Organic gemstones such as pearls, coral and amber should only be wiped with a damp cloth. Due to their organic nature, these gemstones are soft and porous. Be careful with chemicals in hairspray, cosmetics, or perfumes as they can damage pearls over time. Opals also require special care. Do not use ultrasound, ammonia and avoid exposure to heat and bright light.
  5. Opaque gemstones such as lapis lazuli, turquoise, malachite require special care because they are stones and not single mineral crystals such as transparent gemstones. Gems just need to be gently wiped with a damp cloth. They can be porous and absorb chemicals, even soap, and they can build up inside the stone and discolor it. Never use ultrasonic cleaners and ammonia or other chemical solutions.

How to clean and care for jewelry and gemstones

A little care and common sense can add life, brilliance and durability to your precious jewelry and gemstones. Protect your investment by following the guidelines above.

If you decide to part with your jewelry, use https://moggem.ru/skupka/skupka-zolota/. Also in the workshop will help to create unique jewelry for every taste.