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Iolite or cordierite -

Iolite or cordierite -

Iolite stone, also called iolite stone, iolite or cordierite stone.

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Iolite or cordierite is a cyclosilicate of magnesium, iron and aluminum. Iron is almost always present, and between Mg-cordierite and Fe-secaninite the formulas of the series are: (Mg, Fe) 2Al3 (Si5AlO18) to (Fe, Mg) 2Al3 (Si5AlO18).

There is a high-temperature polymorphic modification of indialite, which is isostructural with beryllium and has a random distribution of Al in (Si, Al)6O18 rings.


Iolite stone, also called iolite stone, iolite stone, or cordierite stone, usually arises from contact or regional metamorphism of pelitic rocks. This is especially characteristic of hornfelses formed as a result of contact metamorphism of pelitic rocks.

Two popular metamorphic mineral assemblages include cordierite-spinel-silimanite and cordierite-spinel-plagioclase-orthopyroxene.

Other related minerals are garnet, cordierite, silimanite garnet, gneisses, and anthophyllite. Cordierite also occurs in some granites, pegmatites, and rivers in gabbro magmas. Transformation products include mica, chlorite, and talc.

Precious stone

The transparent variety of iolite is often used as a gemstone. The name comes from the Greek word "violet". Another old name is dichroite, the Greek word for a two-tone stone, a reference to the strong pleochroism of cordierite.

It was also called the water sapphire and Viking compass because of its usefulness for determining the direction of the sun on cloudy days, as it was used by the Vikings. It works by determining the direction of polarization of the sky overhead.

Light scattered by air molecules is polarized, and the direction of polarization is perpendicular to the line to the sun, even when the solar disk itself is obscured by thick fog or is just below the horizon.

The quality of gemstones ranges from blue sapphire to bluish purple, yellowish gray to light blue as the light angle changes. Sometimes used as an inexpensive substitute for sapphire.

It is much softer than sapphires and is found in abundance in Australia, the Northern Territory, Brazil, Burma, Canada, the Yellowknife region of the Northwest Territories, India, Madagascar, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and the United States, Connecticut. The largest crystal found weighed over 24,000 carats and was discovered in Wyoming, USA.

The meaning and properties of iolites

The following section is pseudo-scientific and based on cultural beliefs.

The Indigo Iolite stone combines the intuition of the violet ray with the confidence of the pure blue ray. It brings wisdom, truth, dignity and spiritual mastery. A stone of judgment and long life, promotes introspection and can bring profound wisdom when used properly.


Iolite rare?

Small stones over 5 carats are rare. the stone's hardness drops to 7-7.5 on the Mohs scale, but given that it has a pronounced split in one direction, its durability is fair.

What is Iolite for?

Iolite is a stone of vision. It clears thought forms, opening your intuition. It helps to understand and get rid of the causes of addiction. It will help you express your true self, free from the expectations of others.

Is iolite a sapphire?

No. It is a variety of the mineral cordierite, sometimes erroneously referred to as "water sapphire" because of its dark blue sapphire color. Like sapphire and tanzanite, other blue gemstones are pleochroic, meaning they transmit light differently when viewed from different angles.

Is iolite expensive?

The best quality of tiny blue-violet stones ranges from $20 to $150 per carat, depending on color, cut, and size.

Blue or purple Iolite?

Most of the stones are between two colors. Sometimes more purple and sometimes more blue.

What chakra is iolite suitable for?

Iolite resonates with the third eye chakra. This stone carries the great energy of the third eye, which is why it is often used to access higher pointers and enhance intuition.

Where is raw iolite found?

Found in Australia (Northern Territory), Brazil, Burma, Canada (Yellowknife region in the Northwest Territories), India, Madagascar, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and the United States (Connecticut).

Is Iolite a Birthstone?

Indigo Iolite is one of the natural stones of those born in the middle of winter (January 20 - February 18).

What are the fallen iolite stones for?

Drum stones are used as energy stones in alternative medicine. They are also used as healing crystals and chakra stones. Falling stones are often used and placed at various points in the chakra to alleviate various physical, emotional, mental and spiritual ailments.

Natural iolite is sold in our gemstone shop

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