» Symbolism » Symbols of stones and minerals » Chrysocolla Malachite - New Update 2021 - Great Video

Chrysocolla Malachite – New Update 2021 – Great Video

Chrysocolla Malachite – New Update 2021 – Great Video

The value of azurite-malachite chrysocolla.

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Malachite and chrysocolla form magnificent deep turquoise circles on a dark green field. Or green circles in blue chrysocolla.


Chrysocolla is a hydrated layered copper silicate.

Chrysocolla is bluish green in color and is a light copper ore with a hardness of 2.5 to 7.0. It is of secondary origin and is formed in the oxidation zones of copper ores.

Related minerals are quartz, limonite, azurite, malachite, cuprite and other secondary copper minerals. It usually occurs as botryoid or rounded masses and scabs or vein patches. Due to its bright color, it is sometimes confused with turquoise.

Because it is more common than turquoise, its wide availability, and its vibrant, beautiful blue and blue-green colors, chrysocolla has been popular as a carving and jewelry gem since ancient times.

Sample from Congo, Africa

Chrysocolla Malachite

Malachite stone

Malachite is a mineral, hydroxide of copper carbonate. This green-banded, opaque mineral crystallizes in a monoclinic crystal system and most commonly forms botryoid, fibrous, or stalagmite masses in fissures and deep underground spaces where groundwater and hydrothermal fluids provide chemical precipitators.

Single crystals are rare, but look like thin coniferous prisms. There are also pseudomorphs of more tabular or blocky azurite crystals.

The meaning and healing properties of malachite and chrysocolla

The following section is pseudo-scientific and based on cultural beliefs.

The value of azurite malachite chrysocolla. The two gemstones combine the bold, dynamic energy of green malachite with the calm and balanced energy of blue chrysocolla. It dissolves negativity and fear and can be used to ground and clear our energy fields.

It is used to treat stomach cramps, including those associated with the reproductive system and those caused by indigestion. The stone is said to be especially good at treating stress-related ailments.

under the microscope

Sale of natural chrysocolla malachite in our store

We make bespoke malachite chrysocolla rings as engagement rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, pendants… Please contact us for a quote.