» Symbolism » Symbols of stones and minerals » Blue Tourmaline: Paraiba or Indicolite

Blue Tourmaline: Paraiba or Indicolite

Tourmaline is one of the minerals, the shades of which can be very different. Its color range includes more than 50 tones, but blue tourmalines are considered the most popular among them.


 There are two varieties of blue tourmalines:

  • paraiba - a bright blue stone, a neon shade, the color of a sea wave;
  • indicolite is a mineral whose color range varies from pale blue to deep blue.

Blue Tourmaline: Paraiba or Indicolite

Both varieties have the same physical and chemical characteristics as their counterparts in other colors:

  • high hardness;
  • fragility due to the lack of cleavage;
  • natural crystals can be either completely transparent or translucent;
  • gloss - glassy, ​​metallic, and in some cases - matte, greasy.

It is worth noting that all gems have the property of pleochroism - from different angles, the shade and density of color appear differently - from pale blue to bright blue; other colors can appear and disappear in it - turquoise, pink, yellow, green.


Blue Tourmaline: Paraiba or Indicolite

The healing properties of blue tourmalines in the field of alternative medicine include:

  • relieve stress, anxiety, tension;
  • restore sleep, eliminate insomnia;
  • filled with positive energy;
  • normalize the work of the endocrine and immune systems;
  • help with headaches and improve vision.

As for the magical properties, blue stones help their owner make the right decision, direct him on the right path. The mineral is able to endow a person with wisdom and harmony not only with himself, but also with the outside world. Eliminates anger, anger, aggression, is considered the guardian of marital fidelity, prevents quarrels and scandals between partners.  


Blue gems are especially popular in the jewelry industry. Paraiba is considered a rare stone, therefore it is in great demand in the jewelry market. But indicolite in its properties is practically no different from sapphire, a more expensive mineral, so jewelry lovers often prefer it to its competitor because of its quite affordable cost.

To whom does

Paraiba will find harmony with all signs of the element of Water. These are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. It will help to cope with excessive emotions, balance the excited state and help you choose the right path in life.

Blue Tourmaline: Paraiba or Indicolite

As for tourmalines of other blue shades - indigolites, this is the stone of Aries, Lviv and Sagittarius. The strong and purposeful nature of these signs is directly combined with the energy of the gem, it will certainly bring good luck, help achieve success and maintain the physical and moral condition at the required level.