blue coral

Surprisingly, there are about 6000 types of coral polyps, and only 25 of them are used in the jewelry industry. They create a variety of jewelry, accessories, decor items. Such products look very peculiar, carrying the energy of the seas and oceans. One of these species, which is widely used in jewelry, is blue coral.

What this mineral carries in itself, what characteristics it has and for whom it suits - later in the article.


blue coral

Blue corals are a subclass of coral polyps, the species is eight-rayed. They form small colonies of small polyps, which usually do not exceed 1 cm in height.

The structure of such corals is relatively the same - the presence of a corolla, as well as eight tentacles and the same number of mesenteric septa. Corals also contain calcium carbonate, but in addition to this substance, they contain iron salts, which gives them a heavenly hue.

blue coral

Blue corals are now threatened with extinction, they are classified as vulnerable species, so it is not at all surprising that a small amount of the mineral enters the market for jewelry production. It is rarely found in free sale, in most cases, products from it are sold only at auctions at a fabulous price. Although there will always be a buyer.

Most common in the Indo-Pacific region. Usually blue coral lives at shallow depths. The main condition for his life is warm water, at least 21 ° C. In colder seas and oceans, the polyp simply does not live. He also does not like ultraviolet light, but at the same time he will not be able to live at great depths either.


blue coral

The energy properties of corals began to be studied a long time ago. Healing impulses are due to the presence of useful substances in the coral, and magical impulses are due to the energy of the seas and oceans. It may be hard to believe, but modern lithotherapy and esotericism does not deny the presence of miraculous properties in the mineral.

Therapeutic include:

  • positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • improving memory, strengthening the body;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • improved heart function;
  • treatment of diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines;
  • relieves headaches, promotes good sleep and falling asleep.

blue coral

According to esotericists, blue coral acts like a magnet. It attracts luck, prosperity, family happiness, good luck. In addition, it is believed that he is able to develop the gift of foresight, learn the secrets of the universe and find harmony with himself. It also has a calming effect on the nervous system, smoothes out "sharp corners" in the character, makes a person more balanced and promotes informed decision-making.

Who is suitable for the sign of the zodiac

blue coral

According to astrologers, blue coral suits all signs of the zodiac without exception, since it does not show much “sympathy” for one person. However, since the mineral is a marine formation, it is still recommended to pay attention to it specifically to water signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. It is believed that their energetics are able to find complete harmony and improve not only health, but also life.