» Symbolism » Symbols of stones and minerals » Fantastic mystic quartz

Fantastic mystic quartz

Mystic Quartz has a unique hue and multi-colored brilliance. The mineral owes such a spectacular appearance not only to nature, but also to man, since he is directly involved in the creation of such a multi-colored stone. Despite this, the gem is considered natural and has not only magical, but also healing properties.


Mystic quartz is formed in nature on its own very rarely. Perhaps these are isolated cases, with which, unfortunately, nature does not indulge a person. Basically, all minerals of such bright colors are obtained using a special spraying technology. To do this, take a high-quality copy of quartz, and subject it to processing, affecting it with low and high temperatures. Due to this, small defects appear in the structure of the stone: cracks, chips, air bubbles and various voids. The latter are filled with special dyes, and a special coating is applied to the surface of the gem: silver, gold, titanium. It is due to this that the light passing through mystic quartz creates the effect of iridescence - an optical property of some minerals. After all the procedures, a stone is obtained that is painted in a variety of colors, like a rainbow - this is mystic quartz. The shade can be not only bright and saturated, but also pastel, calm tones.

Fantastic mystic quartz

Despite the fact that a whole team of professionals, consisting of scientists, chemists, physicists, is involved in the creation of a gem, the stone is considered natural, not synthetic, because the basis of such an instance is natural quartz.


Mystic quartz has many amazing properties. It gives the owner positive emotions, attractiveness and common sense. The mineral helps smooth and neutralize anger, develop creative talents and increase intuition. In addition, mystic quartz also has the following magical properties:

  • protects from the evil eye, damage and other negativity;
  • relieves depression, blues, stress and anxiety;
  • fills the owner with vitality and faith in his abilities;
  • develops memory, imagination, promotes active thought processes

Fantastic mystic quartz

As for the healing properties, the energy of mystic quartz can positively influence various diseases:

  • accelerates cell regeneration;
  • restores the functioning of the liver, kidneys, respiratory organs, intestines;
  • improves male potency and cures diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • helps to eliminate drug and alcohol addiction;
  • has a beneficial effect on the general emotional state;
  • strengthens the immune system.

To maximize the properties of the gem, it must be regularly cleared of information and energized. There are two ways to do this:

  • leave the stone in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight;
  • rinse it under running water.


Mystic quartz is very widely used in the jewelry industry. They are inlaid with earrings, rings, pendants, bracelets and other jewelry. It is believed that the mineral can be favorably combined with any other stones, regardless of their main shade. The frame for mystic quartz is selected noble: gold or silver. But it is believed that dark minerals look better in yellow or pink silver, and silver or platinum is more suitable for cold tones of the gem.

Fantastic mystic quartz

whom suitable

For some people, a mystic can make a huge difference in life:

  • Cancers, he will help smooth out excessive emotionality and avoid quarrels and scandals with loved ones;
  • The twins will find in the person of the mineral a reliable and faithful protector who will direct them on the right path of life, and also give them courage and courage;
  • Virgos will help not to take everything to heart, and it is also easier to perceive the world around them;
  • For quick-tempered Lions, the stone is recommended in order to become less quick-tempered.

As for the rest, the mystic quartz will find harmony with any sign of the zodiac, but only if the owner sincerely believes in his energy.