

Meaning of Dumortierite Blue Quartz Crystal

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Dumortierite is a color-changing fibrous borosilicate mineral, Al7BO3 (SiO4) 3O3. crystallizes in orthorhombic form, usually forming fibrous clusters of fine prismatic crystals. The crystals are glassy and range in color from brown, blue, and green to the rarer purple and pink.

Replacing aluminum with iron and other trivalent elements results in a discoloration. It has a Mohs hardness of 7 and a specific gravity of 3.3 to 3.4. The crystals exhibit pleochroism from red to blue and violet. Dumortierite quartz is a blue quartz containing numerous inclusions.

Rock type Dumortierite

igneous, metamorphic

It was first described in 1881 in connection with an appearance at Chaponot in Rhone-Alpes, France, and named after a French paleontologist. Eugene Dumortier (1803–1873). [4] Commonly found in high-temperature, aluminum-rich regional metamorphic rocks of contact metamorphism, as well as in boron-rich pegmatites.

The most detailed study of this stone was carried out on samples from the qualitative metamorphic member Gfol in Austria by Fuchs et al. (2005).

Attractive blue

Dumortierite often has an attractive blue color and can be used as an ornamental stone. While it most often appears blue, especially in lapidary work, other colors are purple, pink, gray, and brown. Some specimens are composed of dense fibers, which gives them a difficult strength.

this gem often forms inclusions in quartz and this combination results in natural blue quartz. They are known in the gemstone market as "Dumortierite Quartz" and are becoming increasingly popular as fine blue gemstones.

Used in the production of high quality porcelain. Sometimes it is confused with sodalite and used as an imitation of lapis lazuli.

The sources of the stones are Austria, Brazil, Canada, France, Italy, Madagascar, Namibia, Nevada, Norway, Peru, Poland, Russia and Sri Lanka.

The value and healing properties of dumortierite quartz stone

The following section is pseudo-scientific and based on cultural beliefs.

Dumortierite is an excellent stone of patience and calmness in difficult situations. Dumortierite works with the throat chakra and the third eye chakra. The communication stone also stimulates the verbalization of ideas. This contributes to the understanding of the natural order of the universe.

Dumortierite Chakra

It opens and balances the throat chakra. Soothes blurriness, shyness and stage fright. This strengthens your ability to speak openly and about what you know to be true and true. Blue stones promote a sense of security, inner peace and confidence. This stone clears the throat and calms the mind.

Dumortierite from Madagascar

Dumortierite, from Madagascar


What is dumortierite for?

It is an excellent stone of patience and calmness in difficult situations. The stone works with the throat chakra and the third eye chakra. The communication stone also stimulates the verbalization of ideas. This contributes to the understanding of the natural order of the universe.

Where to put dumortierite?

Place your crystal on a Selenite Plate or Selenite Clusters to purify and recharge it.

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