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Dioptase crystalline mineral stone.

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The term dioptase refers to a mineral from the group of silicates, a subclass of cyclosilicates. Its chemical formula is CuSiO3 • H2O.

The crystal is a copper cyclosilicate mineral with an intense emerald green to blue green hue. It is transparent or translucent. Luster from vitreous to diamond-like. Its formula is CuSiO3 H2O. Same as CuSiO2(OH)2). Has a hardness of 5. Just like tooth enamel.

Its specific gravity is 3.28-3.35. And she has two perfect and one very good cleavage direction. In addition, the mineral is very fragile. Some specimens must be handled with great care. It is a trigonal mineral. It is formed by 6 side crystals. They have rhombohedral endings.


At the end of the 1797th century, the German mineralogist Moritz Rudolf Ferber first became interested in this mineral. But she incorrectly describes him as an emerald. And it was the French mineralogist René Just Gahuy who proved in XNUMX that it is a mineral in itself and gave it the name dioptase.

The name comes from the Greek dia ("through") and optazo ("I see"). This is due to the fact that traces of cleavage planes are visible through its crystals.

We also found the topotype in the Altyn-Tyube copper mine in the Kirghiz steppes of Obli in Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

Secondly, the stone forms transparent prismatic crystals with a translucent vitreous luster. Color from emerald green to dark blue-green. His line is green and he has a crack in his shell. Hardness 5 on the Mohs scale is medium.

Thanks to dandelion, the stone does not melt, but turns black, turning the flame green. It is soluble in nitric acid and hydrochloric acid.

In addition, the stone is popular with mineral collectors. Sometimes we cut it into small emeralds, like jewels. Dioptase, like chrysocolla, are the only relatively common copper silicate minerals. In no case should the stone be subjected to ultrasonic cleaning, otherwise the fragile gemstone will crack. As a primer pigment Stone can also be used for painting.

Finally, the most famous and expensive stone village is located in Tsumeb, Namibia.

Importance of Dioptase Crystal and Medicinal Properties

The following section is pseudo-scientific and based on cultural beliefs.

The crystal is a vibrating heart talisman that can help you release extremely sensitive emotions such as regret, trauma, depression, anxiety, and self-hatred. This special mineral opens up the heart and creates calming waves of life energy that help reset the emotional body.

Dioptase from Tanzania

Dioptase, from Tanzania


What is dioptase for?

The crystal can help relieve mental tension, allow you to fully relax and improve your state of meditation. It can be used to clear and stimulate all chakras to a higher level of awareness and action, bringing invigorating and refreshing energy to the physical, emotional and intellectual bodies.

How much does dioptase cost?

The value and value of the stone will increase with specimens with more crystals and larger crystals… Since the stone is usually sold as a beautiful, eye-catching specimen, you can expect a good palm sized specimen with medium sized crystals that will cost you. over 100 dollars.

Is dioptase a gemstone?

The mineral is known as the gemstone of the Congo. Other names are copper emerald and achrite. Dioptase is a hydrated copper silicate highly prized by mineral collectors. The crystals are usually in the form of short hexagonal prisms, often ending in a rhombohedron.

Is dioptase the same as dioptase?

Not at all. Dioptase is an intense emerald green to bluish green copper cyclosilicate. diopside is a monoclinic pyroxene mineral, a calcium magnesium silicate with the chemical formula CaMgSi2O6, found in igneous and metamorphic rocks.

Where can I get Dioptase?

The best specimens have been found at the Tsumeb Mine in Tsumeb, Namibia. Tsumeb dioptase is transparent and often highly sought after by collectors. The gemstone is also found in the deserts of the southwestern United States.

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