» Symbolism » Symbols of stones and minerals » Colors of stones and their symbolic meaning in lithotherapy.

Colors of stones and their symbolic meaning in lithotherapy.

Every day we see that life and the universe are made up of an infinity of colors. Faced with this abundance of colors, our vocabulary is inevitably limited: how can we express in a few hundred words all the nuances of light that fill our daily lives?

For convenience, we distinguish "primary colors", of which the rest are variations or mixtures. To these primary colors should be added white and black, which, strictly speaking, are not colors.

White contains the entire light spectrum. In a way, it's light itself, and when you add all the colors, you end up with white. Black, for its part, is the absence of color: it captures the entire spectrum of light.

Stone color and wavelength

When light hits a surface, two things happen: part of the light spectrum is absorbed by the object, and another part is reflected by the object. It is this second part that we see and which gives rise to color..

When a stone absorbs all light, it turns black. When it reflects it completely, it is white. Between these two extremes there is a place for the whole variety of colors. And when the stone is transparent, the light passes through it completely (well, almost completely, otherwise it would be invisible!). Thus, the color of a stone is determined by the part of the light spectrum that it reflects.

Each color has a corresponding wavelength, so vibration different. Thus, by reflecting part of the light, the stone radiates a certain vibration, and it is the quality of this vibration that will be determined by its effect on the mind and the effect it has on the body.

Some colors are soothing, others invigorate. Depending on what you are looking for, you will choose a stone of a certain color. Choleric will avoid red stones. For some, yellow stones are too unrealistic.

The symbolic meaning of the color of stones

The meaning of flowers varies across cultures. For this reason, we advise you to let your intuition speak in order to feel the vibration that will benefit you. In the end, only you yourself can feel how more or less beneficial the color of the stone is.

Main colors: blue, yellow, red

With these three colors, we can create all the colors of the light spectrum. Therefore, they are called "primary colors".

Le blue it is the color of the sea and the sky

It is associated with both spirituality and materiality. In this he symbolizes the body sandwiched between abstraction and matter, just as water is sandwiched between heaven and earth. Find our selection blue stones by clicking on the image above.

Le red it is the color of blood and fire

It is the color of dynamism, energy, courage, strength. It encourages not thinking, but action. At the same time, it is the color of passion, love. It is the color of life in its most voluntaristic and most powerful dimension.

Le yellow it is the color of the sun and gold

It is both the color of intellect, spirit, intellect and the color of happiness, bliss. This leads to abstraction and spirituality. He enlightens and helps to make decisions.

Secondary colors: green, orange, purple

Secondary colors consist of a mixture of two primary colors.

Le vert includes yellow and blue

It symbolizes life in its cyclic aspect, like the growth of plants. It calms and, like the color of eternal rebirth, brings hope. It symbolizes sweetness, harmony, balance. You can find examples green stones here.

TheOrange is consists of red and yellow

This is the color of material pleasures, fun, friendship, spontaneity. It is stimulating and energizing, but rather down to earth and not very intellectual. Find our selection orange stones.

Le violet is consists of red and blue

It is both the color of wisdom and magic. It is the color of mystery, it attracts dreams. It is the color of reflection, not action.

other colors: white, black, gray, gold, silver

In non-Western cultures, the symbolism of white and black is often reversed. The Yin and Yang symbol is perhaps the most appropriate to let us know that these two meanings, although they are the opposite of the light spectrum, nevertheless complement each other perfectly and represent a balance.

White is light in its entire spectrum, unchanging light. It is a synthesis of all other colors and represents purity, knowledge, knowledge, spirituality. Rock crystal, translucent, is considered a white stone. Click the following links to find, on the one hand, white stones and on the other hand transparent minerals.

Black absorbs all light It is both protective and hopeful, and a symbol of darkness and death. It retains all the light in itself, it is deep, dense, dense. This is the color of seriousness, solemnity.

Le pork it is the color of nuance, compromise, balance between black and white It is pragmatic and enhances the effects of colors that seem even more vibrant in comparison.

Theor bright yellow. It animates the qualities of yellow. It symbolizes spiritual wealth and has a powerful radiance.

Thesilver shiny grey. His wealth is restrained, but his strength is great, and he has a strong stimulating effect.

How to choose the color of the stone?

If there are universal effects characteristic of colors (blue calms and encourages reflection, red invigorates and encourages action, yellow warms and inspires spirituality ...), then the effect of each depends on the balance of individual energy. If a person's aura is heavily marked with a color, it will be necessary to balance that color with a stone of the opposite color to find the balance.

Depending on the balance characteristic of each of them, the color of the stone will inspire the owner to different things. For this reason, it is necessary, as far as possible, to be guided by your intuition when choosing a stone. By closing your eyes and letting go of yourself for a few moments, you will be able to visualize the color that will benefit you the most at the moment. What color do you see when you do this little test? One person will see green, another blue, and a third yellow. Depending on your needs, you will be attracted to a greater or lesser extent by each of the colors.

If you would like to use our stone finder, first focus on the property you are looking for. Matching stones, which often have multiple colors, will be shown to you on the results page. From now on, let the stone choose you as you choose it. If one of them particularly attracts you, it's that he calls you. Listen to yourself, and the choice will be easy.