black coral

Black coral is a marine mineral. At its core, it is a petrified skeleton of living organisms, namely, polyps. A similar shade of the mineral is considered one of the rarest, and therefore the most expensive. However, not only the appearance of black coral attracts buyers.

black coral

Jewelry with hardened polyps has a special energy power, which manifests itself in healing and magical properties. Thus, black coral is not only an ideal material for making jewelry, but also a powerful amulet that reliably protects its owner from illness and trouble.


black coral

Black polyps live at great depths - over 100 meters. They absolutely cannot tolerate sunlight, so its extraction is associated with danger and risk to life. If coral reefs are located closer to the surface of the water, then they usually hide in underwater caves and grottoes.

The main habitat of these organisms is the warm waters of the Indo-Pacific region. One of the conditions for the formation and life of black polyps is that the water temperature should not be lower than 21 ° C and at the same time remain stable. In the seas and oceans, where cold water is observed, polyps simply do not survive, and do not exist.

Black coral is listed in the Red Book as a rare species of marine fauna.

All black corals are organisms that grow in colonies. That is, they have one common body, with a single nervous and digestive systems. Already from this base, numerous coral bushes are formed, some of which sometimes reach a length of up to 6 meters. The shape of the processes can be different: from even polyps, branched to spiral.

black coral

Black coral has the same characteristics as its "brothers" in other shades:

  • hardness - 2-3 points out of 10 on the Mohs scale;
  • lack of cleavage;
  • matte gloss;
  • opacity;
  • porosity, the presence of small defects.

Since black corals are characterized by a low growth rate, and the "hunt" for them is quite intense, many states have banned not only the extraction of the mineral, but also its export from their country.

Properties of black coral

black coral

Acquaintance of mankind with black coral happened many centuries ago. For example, the Maya Indians wore the mineral as an ornament, putting the mineral around their neck in the form of beads. Then they believed that such an amulet protects its owner from everything negative, including evil spirits. In addition, corals were credited with an amazing ability to attract good luck, fill a person with vital energy and positive emotions.


black coral

Modern esotericism does not deny the magical manifestations of hardened polyps. It is believed that the sea itself charges them with a powerful force, which, as you know, carries its own energy of peace and tranquility.

The magical properties of black coral include:

  • helps to make the right decision;
  • calms the nervous system, smooths out "sharp corners" in the character, makes the owner more delicate and understanding;
  • protects from any witchcraft influences, including damage, evil eye, love spell;
  • fills the house with happiness, prevents quarrels, betrayals, promotes quick reconciliation of spouses;
  • develops intuition, the gift of foresight;
  • helps to reveal creative talents, gives inspiration.


black coral

To date, in the field of lithotherapy, all the abilities of the mineral have not been fully disclosed. However, this does not mean at all that it does not show its healing properties. It is known that black coral can act as an indicator of health. As soon as he "feels" the slightest disease, his color becomes less saturated, and the luster becomes cloudy.

In addition, the healing properties of coral include:

  • eliminates apathy, melancholy, sadness, depressive states;
  • reduces the risk of developing cancerous tumors;
  • heals an ulcer;
  • normalizes the work of the heart;
  • rejuvenates the body, cleanses it of toxins;
  • improves vision;
  • favorably affects pregnancy, helps to endure the baby and promotes easy childbirth.


black coral

Since black corals are very rare in their distribution, it is rather problematic, if not impossible, to meet it on the shelves of jewelry stores. Basically, all products are sold at auctions to private collections, not reaching the simple consumer.

The cost of coral jewelry is more than $200. Anything cheaper is most likely just a fake.

Who is suitable for the sign of the zodiac

black coral

According to astrologers, the sea mineral is most suitable for water signs - Pisces, Cancers. Their energies are quite compatible and perfectly interact with each other.

But the signs of Fire - Aries, Sagittarius, Leo - can also appreciate the positive impact of black coral.

black coral

The mineral will become a reliable protector from negative external influences, help you make the right decision, especially in difficult life situations, and also bring harmony into the life of its owner.