Buddhist rosary

A prayer rope is an object of religious worship used to facilitate the performance of a cyclic prayer, in which its component is repeated many times. Used in most world religions for both prayer and meditation. You can buy Buddhist beads at https://brasletik.kiev.ua/buddijskie-chetki-108-busin.

Buddhist rosary


In Catholicism, the rosary would say the prayer of the same name and celebrate the Crown of Divine Mercy. In medieval Christianity, with the help of a rope prayer called paternoster, the Lord's Prayer was read. In Christianity, the Orthodox Church refuses the prayer rope in most cases. Jesus Prayer.


Tasbiy, subh, Shubh Muslim - a rosary consisting of 33 or 99 beads made of various materials: most often wood, plastic, ivory, pearls, amber or olive seeds; Often it is finished with a fringe or a decorative bead. Used by Muslims to say 33 times or 3 times this number, i.e. 99 times one of the attributes of God, for example: Glory to God, or God is great, or the Coming One, or 99 names of Allah. Less commonly, all 99 attributes of God are denied in one sequence because they are difficult to remember, and usually one is limited to one freely chosen attribute and its repetition.


Jamze, Mae - Buddhist prayer rope, also known as mala and mainly used for counting mantras during meditation; Used by Buddhists to repeat 108 times one of the mystical formulas describing the virtues or attributes of an enlightened Buddha, for example, about the gem in the lotus (the gem is the Buddha and his teachings, and the lotus is the world). When these incantations are said, prostrations are often made.