white quartz

Did you know that most of the earth's crust is occupied by such an element as silicon dioxide? Now imagine that this is the same white quartz, which is also called silica. As a jewelry stone, it is a crystal of a white or milky hue, which, in addition to its attractive appearance, also has healing and magical properties.


Pure white quartz crystals without defects are relatively rare and highly valued in the jewelry industry. As a rule, in order to use a mineral as an insert in jewelry, its size must be more than 5 cm. In nature, they are formed in the form of a prism or trapezoid. Often you can find twin crystals.

white quartz

The types of stone include:

  • rhinestone;
  • milky quartz;
  • sugar (snow) quartz;
  • binhemite.

The gem is considered very durable: to split it, you will need a special technique. In addition, it is very resistant to acids and alkalis. The minimum melting point is 1500°C.

All crystals of natural white quartz are characterized by a high coefficient of thermal conductivity, as well as the presence of piezoelectric properties, due to which the mineral is able to generate weak electromagnetic waves.


White quartz, like all natural minerals, has some useful properties that allow it to be used in the field of alternative medicine and magical rites.

white quartz

One of the most popular “medicines” is quartz water. To prepare it, it is necessary to immerse the mineral in purified water for a day and consume it daily. In this way, you can improve the work of all organs and systems in the human body and prevent premature aging. In addition, the healing properties of white quartz include:

  • saturates cells with oxygen;
  • cleanses the respiratory system;
  • protects against flu and colds, strengthens the immune system;
  • prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • activates the work of the endocrine system, improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • treats skin diseases;
  • helps restore memory;
  • positively affects the functioning of the central nervous system.

Since ancient times, white stone has been used for communication between the living and the other world. Therefore, even today it is often used to build relationships with others. The gem helps to maintain relationships, avoid betrayal and misunderstanding. In addition, he is able to develop analytical thinking, improve concentration, clear the mind of bad thoughts and find peace of mind.


white quartz

To date, beads, bracelets, rings, earrings and other jewelry are made with white quartz. The frame can be the most diverse: gold, silver, leather, medical alloys. As for the cut, the classic one is more common here - cabochon, oval, ball. But you can often find stepped options, more fantasy.

Jewelery is not the main area of ​​use for white quartz. Given the high coefficient of thermal conductivity of the stone, it can often be found in baths and saunas. In addition, the mineral is used in the production of optical fibers, semiconductors and LEDs.

To whom does

White quartz suits Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius. Their energy is very similar, so astrologers recommend regularly carrying a stone with you in order to concentrate on the main problems and tune in to the right wave. As an amulet, the white mineral is recommended for Sagittarius, Aries and Lions, but you should not wear it all the time, allowing the mineral to rest from the received energy information from time to time.