» Symbolism » Slavic Symbols » Svazhitsa or Kolovrot

Svazhitsa or Kolovrot

Svazhitsa or Kolovrot

Svazhitsa (also shrimp, swarzyca, swaroyca) is one of the most recognizable Slavic symbols. Attribute of the Slavic god of the sky and the blacksmith- Svarog... This is one of the variants of the swastika - the world famous symbol. Svazhitsa or Kolovrot in Slavic culture symbolize endless values ​​- for example, in the mythological aspect, the spinning wheel symbolizes infinity and repetition of the cycle (here, for example, the battle between the Slavic gods Perun and Veles) in the struggle between good and evil. These symbols (Swarzyca or Kołowrót) can also symbolize the sun, which gives us life and warmth. As with other Indo-European cultures such as Germanic, Celtic or Iranian culture, there is a swastika, the swazika is the Slavic equivalent. Currently, the turnstile as a symbol is gaining great popularity among the neo-pagan Slavic groups, which makes Svazhik a symbol of its Slavic identity.

