» Symbolism » How many symbols of the Holy Spirit are there and what do they mean?

How many symbols of the Holy Spirit are there and what do they mean?

The Holy Spirit is one of three divine personalities (or powers) whose origins vary according to the prevailing Christianity in a given culture. In the Western world, the Holy Spirit comes from the Father and the Son; in the Eastern culture, it is said that it comes from the Father through the Son. Among cultures that do not recognize the existence of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is simply acknowledged. as a symptom of divine activity... Despite the great emphasis on the existence and work of the Holy Spirit, this is not so common in the Bible. He is mentioned, among other things, in the act of the creation of man. Christians also believe that it was under his influence that the Gospels were written (see also: symbols of the evangelists).

Symbols of the Holy Spirit:

How many symbols of the Holy Spirit are there and what do they mean?

Christians also believe that it was under his influence that the Gospels were written.

There is not a single term in the Bible that explains what the Holy Spirit is and what is not. The Biblical Holy Spirit is primarily an action, although He also manifests Himself in visible human form. For this reason, certain symbols were attributed to him that could reflect the nature of his activities.


The Holy Spirit in the form of water is holy baptism reference, which symbolizes the acceptance of faith and, therefore, the moment that for believers is the beginning of a new life in closeness with God. Water is also a biblical symbol for cleansing. The Holy Spirit cleanses from sin at baptism. And the water is like symbol of life it determines the harvest and therefore the survival in biblical times.


I symbolize fire transformation of the energy of the Holy Spirit... Like water, it can be a symbol of cleansing from sins. Fire (see also the symbol of fire) was used as a medicine for wounds and diseases. The Holy Spirit in the form of fire is also symbolized on the day of Pentecost.


How many symbols of the Holy Spirit are there and what do they mean?Dove the most popular symbol of the Holy Spirit... He was released by Noah after the flood and returns with an olive branch, testifying of peace with God. The dove-shaped Holy Spirit also appears at the baptism of Jesus. A dove landing smoothly appears in many paintings and icons that reflect the moment of baptism. The dove is also the only living organism among the symbols of the Holy Spirit. In some churches, Eucharistic figures are kept in dove-shaped containers.

Anointing and Seal

Anointing with oil symbolizes the abundance of God's gracebecause oil itself is a symbol of abundance. At the same time, anointing with oil is a decision to nourish the body and keep it healthy. The anointing has been and is being used for this purpose in many denominations. But there is a seal indelible mark left by the Holy Spirit on the soul of the anointed one. This confirms his belonging to the faith. The Anointing and Seal are also symbols of ordinances that can be received only once in a lifetime: baptism, confirmation, and priesthood.

Cloud and light

Clouds and light accompany Mary on the day of the revelation of the Holy Spirit, and each time the revelation of God himself is mentioned. The cloud and light symbolize the saving power of God. The Holy Spirit in the form of a cloud is a symbol that protects holiness. He also appears during the ascension. The cloud is also the Holy Spirit keeping secrets.

Hand, finger

The hand symbolizes the blessing and healing power of the Holy Spirit, who is believed to have healed the sick with the hands of Jesus. To this day, in a gesture of blessing, for example, before a wedding, hands are laid on the blessed. The finger symbolizes the expulsion of evil spirits by God and the commandments written with a finger on stone tablets. This symbol also extends to the commandments written by the finger of the Holy Spirit on the hearts of Christians.