» Symbolism » Symbols of Strength and Authority » Eagle: a symbol of power, but not only 🦅

Eagle: a symbol of power, but not only 🦅

The eagle has a dual symbolism:

  • He outstanding predator ... Omniscient, he flies above us, and his piercing gaze allows him to see very small prey at a distance of 1 km.
  • He was the symbol of many nations and empires. Napoleon, for example, chose it as his emblem. it power bird , which was chosen by the Roman emperors, who called it "the bird of Jupiter" (God of the gods). He personifies prestige, authority, strength, victory, but also beauty .
  • But the eagle also symbolizes perversion of power . Cruel , angry and proud , he cracks down on his opponents.
  • In Indian traditions eagle - totem animal .  According to this spiritual guide, this animal symbolizes courage, leadership, but also truth и insight ... He is a seer and an observer animal.