» Symbolism » Occult Symbols » Star of Chaos

Star of Chaos

Star of Chaos

Chaos Star - Sign of Possession eight evenly spaced arrowswhich emanate from the center point. Originally invented by the author in the fantasy genre. Mikaela Murkoka as a symbol of chaos (that is, endless possibilities), it was adopted as a symbol of Chaos Magic. Its current rounded shape was designed by occult author and chaos magician Peter Carroll. This symbol is a popular ornament for jewelry and clothing.

Chaos theory suggests that small changes first will lead to big changes in the distant future. This is often referred to as the butterfly effect.

The meaning of the star of chaos

The star of chaos - as you would expect from a star symbolizing chaos - does several different interpretations... Since many people understand the word "chaos" as something negative, this symbol has been used in pop culture as means evil and destruction... Some even consider it satanic symbol.

On the other hand, a star of chaos can represent idea of ​​many possibilities - this is indicated by the construction of the symbol, the arrows of which point in different directions. In this interpretation, the star is truly beautiful. positive symbol, and encourages an open mind and tolerance for the experiences of others, along with creativity and a wonderful mix of possibilities.