

Aven - This symbol and word describes a creative spark, divine inspiration or enlightenment. Various groups and individuals of neo-druids have their own interpretation of the symbol of Aven. Literally translated from Welsh, this word means "follow the soul" or "follow the inspiration."

In this sign, we see rays emanating from three points of light. These three lines, depending on interpretation, probably refer to land, sea and air, or body, mind and spirit; be it love, wisdom and truth.

It is also said that Aven means not only inspiration, but also inspiration from truth. This discovery - in spirit or soul - is to truly and deeply see. When we are open, we can receive this divine gift, inspiration that comes from deity, nature, or whatever we focus on and care about. Another interpretation is that the three foundations of this symbol are: understanding the truth, loving the truth and upholding the truth.

But what is an aven? This awareness is not only of the physical and mental level, but the awareness of all that exists, of life itself. We see the threads that bind us all. It is a deep inspiration that we drink, nurturing our souls and our peace, and joy, respect, in wild dedication and in solemn ceremonies.

