

Jadeite is a gemstone that belongs to a group of stones called none (name from the English word "jade"). Apart from Jade, he is also not a member of the group to anyone. Nephritis (with which it is often confused).

Jadeite is rated at 6-7 points on the hardness scale (Mohs hardness scale from 1 to 10). it extremely durable stoneresistant to cracking. Jade color may vary from shades of green and blueyellow, red, white, lavender, gray and black. Jadeite is never completely transparent, but the more transparent the stones, the higher their value... In fact, a very thin, almost transparent white jade can have the same value as a diamond.

Places of origin

The most important source of jade is Burmawhich has been supplying translucent jade (the most valuable grade of jade) to China for over 200 years. Guatemala has historically been an important source of jade, supplying stones for the carving of the Central American Indians. Jadeite can also be found in Central Asia, Canada, Australia, Siberia, New Zealand, Japan, as well as in the USA - California, Alaska and Wyoming.

For millennia, the stone has been worship in china and other countries of the world. The Chinese, Maya, Aztecs and Maori of New Zealand have long prized this stone and used it in jewelry and sculptures of sacred religious figures. The stone was also used as material for ax and spear blades, daggers and sacred knives in pagan religious ceremonies. In museums around the world you can find specimens of jade collections with Chinese sculptures dating back to 2000 BC. These are sculptures of unusual shapes (most often animals), such as fish, birds, bats and dragons. Jadeite was widely used in the household and ceremonial premises of the Chinese nobility and he represented high rank and authority.

The Spanish conquistadors adopted jade from the local population when they invaded Central America. Amulets made of this stone were often worn. Jadeite was also used by the ancient cultures of South America. The ancient hieroglyphs of Mexican gemstones actually mostly refer to jade. The Maori tribes of New Zealand created ceremonial jade carvings. Spanish conquistadors called him daughter's jade stone (lumbar stone) or kidney stone (kidney stone), believing that this stone prevents or treats discomfort in these areas.

The meaning and symbolism of jade

The Chinese believed that because jade objects have existed for so long, they associated with immortality (see symbols of infinity). It was also believed that these stones were brought to the holder. happiness, kindness, purity i intelligence... In the West, jade is considered a stone that helps a person to relax and calm down. It is generally believed that jade brings strength, knowledge, pure thoughts and long life to its owner. There are many beliefs about healing influence of jadeites - especially in the treatment of diseases of the eyes, nervous system and organs, especially the kidneys. This stone is used in amulets on the kidney area as well as on the shoulder.

Jade properties (esoteric)

The Jade Crystal is a superstar in the world of healing crystals due to its strong connection to the heart chakra and varying degrees of intense, penetrating shades of green (see Green). When it comes to bringing prosperity and abundance to your life, the Jade Stone crystal is your best talisman (see Symbols of Luck).


Jadeite is part of the green ray of color, the most lush and green shade of green, the color is it reflects the pristine vegetation of the tropics. Similar to plants and photosynthesis, the properties of jade crystal harness the wonder of light that provides food for plants and their luxurious gift of oxygen-rich greenery. Bright green varieties of jade a symbol of growth and vitalitywhich makes them the stone meaning wealth and longevity.


In alternative medicine, jade crystal is also known as stone of eternal youthmaking it an ideal stone for facial care. By keeping this stone close to you, you will have your very own Fountain of Youth - at your fingertips. Apply your favorite moisturizer or serum to your face, apply jade to your skin, to reduce swelling, dry out the lymphatic system and improve blood circulation... Jadeite has a strong ability to do decreased tone of facial musclesmaking it a great helper in wrinkle smoothing.

Jade in jewelry

Jadeite is a valuable sculptural material - the quality of the material and the color determine its value.

Jade was used to make jewelry, and because of its hardness - tools and expensive weapons.


Poland is known for its jade mine in the village of Tupadla at the foot of the Slezha Mountain in Lower Silesia, it is also located in the Kachawskie Mountains.