» Symbolism » Happiness Symbols » Four-leaf clover

Four-leaf clover

Four-leaf clover

Four-leaf clover - As we can read in the encyclopedia, this is a rare mutation of clover (most often white clover) with four instead of the usual three leaves.

This symbol comes from Celtic beliefs - the Druids believed that the four-leaf clover he will save them from evil.

According to some reports, the tradition of this symbol of happiness dates back to the beginning of creation: Eve, emerging from the Garden of Eden, had only a four-leaf clover as a dress.

Some folk traditions attribute another attribute for each clover leaf... The first leaf symbolizes hope, the second leaf symbolizes faith, the third leaf is love, and the fourth leaf brings happiness to the one who found it. The fifth sheet represents money, the sixth or more are irrelevant.

  • According to the Guinness Book of Records, 56 clovers were found with the most leaflets.
  • According to statistics, the chance of finding a four-leaf clover is only 1 in 10.
  • This plant is one of the symbols of Ireland.