» Symbolism » Dream symbols. Dream Interpretation. » Winter - the meaning of sleep

Winter - the meaning of sleep

Dream interpretation winter

    Winter in a dream symbolizes ill health, depression and unhappiness. It also often signifies love and sexual potency. For lonely people, winter does not promise any changes in the emotional sphere.
    see winter - be careful not to get into trouble because of your own recklessness
    frosty - you will have trouble coping with certain difficulties
    warm winter - an announcement about a warming relationship with someone you haven't seen in a while
    snow - try to use your luck to your advantage
    no snow Don't waste energy on impossible goals
    survive the winter - put aside difficult, uncertain things and what you are afraid of
    Make a snowman - now the time will not be conducive to bold adventures, decisions about radical changes and getting involved in disputes
    do winter sports - someone can get frustrated and change the current rating of your character or skills
    spend the winter in warm countries - you will not keep your promise properly
    remove snow from car in winter - minor difficulties will prevent you from achieving your goals.