» Symbolism » Dream symbols. Dream Interpretation. » Vinegar - the meaning of sleep

Vinegar - the meaning of sleep

Dream Interpretation Vinegar

    Sleep is a sign of relationship problems; you probably feel like you're getting angrier every day. Don't worry about life failures, you worry too much lately. Try to get as many good sides as possible from an unpleasant situation that happened to you in your life. Alternatively, dreaming about vinegar means that you must do everything possible to get out of a difficult life situation with a victorious hand.
    see vinegar - you will face difficulties because of someone else's jealousy
    use for dishes - family quarrels
    vinegar - minor misunderstandings will turn out to be just the calm before the storm, only they will be followed by major conflicts and quarrels
    red Someone will be very rude to you
    Apple vinegar - you will be in a good position
    white - by all means act in such a way as not to harm a person bis
    spoiled vinegar - loss of health
    make vinegar - you want to do something forbidden
    season your food with vinegar - luck will pass you by.
    drink vinegar - you will be disappointed
    spill the vinegar Lack of kindness from other people will affect you.