» Symbolism » Dream symbols. Dream Interpretation. » Dream Interpretation: urine. What does the appearance of this motive mean for the dreamer?

Dream Interpretation: urine. What does the appearance of this motive mean for the dreamer?

Urination in a dream can symbolize two things. either you should try to let go of your emotions and control, or the more spiritual interpretation is that you are spending too much money. However, in order to accurately interpret the dream with urine, you need to remember as many details as possible. Read the exact interpretation of the topic of urine in a dream from our dream book!

we see quite rarely, but it has its own meaning, sometimes it concerns the emotional sphere, or rather our emotions that we want to hide. It can also signal a lack of unity and friendship in your immediate environment, as you can see, urine is a motive that has more than one meaning, for its correct interpretation you need to carefully study your dream, because every detail in this situation plays a huge role. If you are interested in the exact interpretation of the urine that you dreamed about in a dream, read what our dream book says about this!

Dream Interpretation: urine - the main meaning of sleep 

. We can either give in to emotions or hide them. How we handle urine in a dream often tells us a lot about our own sexuality as well, since it is instinctive. Dreams about the upper body are associated with the mind and spiritual aspects of the character, while the lower body represents the instincts and emotional aspects. it is also a harbinger of joy. Pissing in the toilet - a date, drinking urine - hard times in life.

Dream Interpretation: urinate

Seeing your own urine in a dream means that your life is getting out of control. If you urinate outside, this dream may indicate a need for more privacy. Feeling pain in your bladder while urinating means that you are not very open to close friends or family right now.

Dream Interpretation: see how a person urinates

Dream about indicates that the time has come to communicate better with others. This dream can indicate and warn you of the dangers that will come your way. 

Dream Interpretation: the toilet is filled with urine

Ts offers unexpected benefits. It may be associated with a large amount of money. The dream interpretation claims that urine in a dream is a sign of great wealth and great financial happiness. This dream may also indicate a certain

Dream Interpretation: stand in line for the toilet

If you are standing in a dream, it means that you should focus on your life instead of taking care of others,

Dream Interpretation: urinate in the toilet

Your dream also portends that you are in complete control of your life. This is nice, but it can prevent you from feeling spontaneous. You do not allow yourself to express the "real you" and this may indicate that you are wearing a mask, thinking that it will protect you from the evil intentions of other people. You are trying to "mark" your territory in every aspect of your life. However, soon you will face difficulties in your personal life.

Dream Interpretation: someone else's urine

Splashing urine all over the floor suggests that you are worried about your future, especially when it comes to finances, you are afraid of losing your savings. This dream is associated with a negative attitude towards other people and may indicate that you are trying to get rid of a toxic relationship that is draining your good energy. In addition, seeing someone else's urine in a dream emphasizes the need to free oneself from anxiety.

Dream Interpretation: drink urine

Drinking urine in a dream is a harbinger of big money, as well as very good health, which you will enjoy for a very long time. 

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it means your wounded ego and pride. Remember that we can't always have everything in life, sometimes life doesn't work out well for us. Seeing urinals in your dream means that you need to let go of your ego and decide on your next step. This dream often comes when we have the opportunity to solve some relationship problems. To dream of rows of male urinals may mean that you may be in conflict with the opposite sex.