» Symbolism » Dream symbols. Dream Interpretation. » Glory - the meaning of sleep

Glory - the meaning of sleep

Dream interpretation glory

    Glory in a dream is an expression of the desire to exist in one's environment or the desire to attract the attention of a certain person. You live in someone's shadow or feel like you're always in the background. Perhaps now is the time for other people to respect you and appreciate what you do for them.
    see glory - in a certain situation, you will behave very childishly, which will attract the attention of others
    see many famous people - through teamwork you will achieve great success
    be a famous person - this is a sign that before making an important decision it is better to consult about your choice with a trusted person who is an expert in this field
    meet someone famous - your irresistible desire to be on a candlestick can bring you trouble
    get famous adversity will force you to learn how to get the most out of life through your own attitude and grace
    celebrate someone's glory - a dream portends short-term happiness
    talk to a famous person - it is better not to attract the attention of too curious people, because you may face a fight with the judiciary.