» Symbolism » Dream symbols. Dream Interpretation. » Saddle - the meaning of sleep

Saddle - the meaning of sleep

Dream Interpretation Saddle

    A saddle in a dream indicates the free realization of life goals. The dream encourages the dreamer not to let others interfere in his affairs.
    if you see them - this is an adventurous adventure, maybe soon a trip or a trip will be waiting for you
    riding in the saddle on a horse - sleep will bring peace, relaxation and a happy period in life
    sits in it - means that your position will strengthen, you just need to increase control
    if you were thrown from the saddle certain unforeseen actions destabilize your life
    if you fall from the saddle and get badly hurt or broken - be selfish or hurt your friends
    clean it - this is the news that your loved one will pleasantly surprise you.