» Symbolism » Dream symbols. Dream Interpretation. » Sugar - the importance of sleep

Sugar - the importance of sleep

Dream interpretation sugar

    Sugar in a dream portends a happy family life, as well as exceptional professional success.
    see - fear of pleasure; sometimes you just need to start living life to the fullest and stop worrying about the consequences of your own actions
    see a lot of sugar - taking care of or abusing something that is unhealthy
    eat sugar - you unreasonably delay certain formalities
    sprinkled sugar - you will be amazed by the behavior of the people around you
    sugar packaging - the actions you are taking now will bring you more benefits than you originally thought
    buy - you will achieve your next goals
    sell sugar - after great difficulties, you will regain financial comfort
    spice up their food - if necessary, you will not be able to count on the people you call friends
    Brown sugar - you have high aspirations and persistently pursue your goal.