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Dreamed of a friend? Find out what it means!

A dream about a friend is very common and can be a reflection of our social relationships. However, the background that accompanies her appearance in a dream can significantly change its meaning.

Do you really see each other often or think about your girlfriends? If so, it is only natural that they appear later in your dreams. . Usually it is a symbol of good relations with friends, and if it is, it portends new contacts that will result in a longer and deeper relationship. I. On the other hand, if you dream of a person who is unfavorable to you, this portends difficulties in the professional field. It is possible that there may be problems at work, often related to financial problems.

If , it symbolizes an unexpected random event. Perhaps - just like in a dream - you will meet someone whom you have not seen for a long time, or another surprise awaits you. it is also an announcement or a denial. So this is a great time to take part in a lottery or contest. If you really like the person you met in a dream, this portends success in your professional life. The tasks you take on will be successful for you and your efforts will be appreciated.

indicates that you are unsure of your position. Perhaps you feel that someone is jealous of your success in your career. it can also mean that someone will come to announce your accomplishments. This dream is mostly professional, so you should be especially careful at work, both with new and existing colleagues. Being in it, it portends future changes and competition. It is possible that you will have a chance for a promotion or job change.

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When, this is a very good omen. If you are really concerned about something or you have an unresolved problem, you can count on outside help. Your situation will improve, and everything will go your way. however, this may go the other way. . This usually refers to problems in a relationship where one of the partners does not want to be involved in settling the relationship.

On the other hand, if you sleep well, you will have a carefree time. In the near future, expect a vacation or departure, it is worth taking the opportunity to relax. When he gossips, you will meet a person who can give you good advice. Most likely, this will be a new acquaintance with whom you will develop a closer relationship.

it can be positive or negative depending on how your friends behave. If they are cheerful and joyful, then you can count on close friends in case of trouble. In a difficult situation, do not hesitate to turn to them for help, you will definitely gain a lot from this. On the other hand, sad, angry or aggressive is a harbinger of misunderstanding among loved ones. It is necessary to be careful about relationships with family and friends in the near future. Someone may take offense at you, or you may misinterpret someone's intentions.

When you dream of a group, it symbolizes yearning for the carefree moments of your youth or the need to spend time in company. Try to reconnect with old friends or try to make new ones.