» Symbolism » Dream symbols. Dream Interpretation. » Dreamed of candy? This is a sign that you want pleasure.

Dreamed of candy? This is a sign that you want pleasure.

Candy is almost synonymous with pleasure, so it's no surprise that dreaming about candy is associated with pleasure. But what does this mean and what to expect from it? Look into the dream book!

usually it is a harbinger of pleasure. Its main symbolism is happiness in love, friendship or professional life. Candy often portends good company, but is rarely a bad omen. What exactly do the different options do according to?

Dream Interpretation: eat sweets 

According means that something pleasant will happen to you in the near future. It can be a fun party with friends, or maybe ... falling in love! If they are exceptionally tasty, you can almost be sure of a passionate romance. Worse, if you eat sweets that turn out to be tasteless - such a dream can bring indigestion while awake - it symbolizes health problems. Fortunately, they will not be dangerous and can be easily dealt with, but it is better to arrange a medical examination.

Interestingly, depending on age, it can have a different meaning. For young people, love most of all portends, and for mature people, success. Older people who dream of eating candy are sentimental and like to remember their childhood.

Simply put, then you should be vigilant, compliments addressed to you are fake. It is good, according to this, a sign of success, and bad - giving to someone is a sign that you will experience disappointment in the near future. It has a dual meaning for a larger group of people - it tells you that you are ready to help those in need and are generous - but at the same time it warns that someone may want to use your good heart and manipulate you for their own purposes. own goals.

The purchase symbolizes that you will soon experience something important. A dream in which you steal sweets means that you are too sentimental. Interestingly, the same applies to the dream in which you ask about the price of candy in the store. The dream that you are taking your candy is unpleasant - this portends a loss - although the dream book does not specify what exactly you will lose: it could be a job, friendship, relationship, or even health.

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An unusual option is to cook sweets yourself. In this case, the dream book reports that an injection may await you. It also means that you are hardworking and can look forward to a successful career.

Dream Interpretation: types of sweets

As in the case of other objects in the dream book, not only the circumstances of this dream are important, but also the type of the dreamed object, in this case the type of candy. this is a sign of a successful career, it can also mean an upcoming bonus or promotion. this is a harbinger of a difficult conversation that lies ahead for you or with a loved one. After this quarrel, it will be difficult for you to come to an agreement. On the other hand, the typical Christmas sweets are a good symbol - it's a sign that you will soon connect with someone you miss so much. most often it symbolizes bliss and material wealth.

Of course, other sweets may appear in a dream. they are associated with the improvement of the financial situation and sensual pleasures, this is news of a pleasant event in life, and the appearance in a dream symbolizes a whole range of pleasures.