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Web - the meaning of sleep

Web according to the dream book

    A web in a dream shows that you are not reaching your potential and that you have hidden talents. In addition, a dream may indicate neglect of one's own responsibilities or a difficult problem. Sometimes the appearance of a web in a dream can mean a toxic relationship that limits our development.
    see her - a dream indicates a tender relationship carefully hidden from the world that can be broken at any moment
    destroy her - be careful not to break the weak connection between you and a certain person by your own negligence
    get tangled up in a web - you will fall into an intricate plot
    watch a spider weave its web - you neglect your important duties
    a fly entangled in a web - Sleep is a warning to be wary of an unusual offer of quick money
    web stretched to the limit someone is just waiting for you to trip
    cobwebs in the house It's time to re-evaluate your life
    cobwebs on the ceiling - a dream indicates your submission to people who have long forgotten their place in the ranks
    cobweb hanging on the wall - you will finally be able to overcome your own weaknesses
    cobwebs on furniture - someone important from your past with whom you have not been in contact for a long time will suddenly appear in your life
    white - you should concentrate on solving a problem that accidentally got out of your control
    the black - you realize that your approach to many things is very negative and can give you a lot of trouble, but you do nothing about it.