» Symbolism » Dream symbols. Dream Interpretation. » Illiterate - the meaning of sleep

Illiterate - the meaning of sleep

Dream interpretation illiterate

    An illiterate person in a dream may indicate a problem with the formulation of the situation in which we are now, or with the definition of how we feel. A dream can show a sense of life's injustice, it is also a symbol of discrimination and oppression.
    look at the illiterate - means that it is difficult for you to express your opinion on issues that are important to you, usually you give your opponents an advantage, so they have such power over you
    if you are - you are afraid to reveal what is bothering you
    if you are dealing with an illiterate - you will be very understanding of someone
    if a loved one is illiterate You never know when you will find yourself in a difficult situation in which you will have to rely on the help of others.
    if you don't know him - you are often immune to human harm
    help him read - a dream is a reminder that by helping your neighbor, you are helping yourself
    when you help him express himself or protect him - you will oppose the discrimination of a certain man, for which you will be assessed in time
    when others laugh at him you will help someone in a very difficult situation
    when in a dream you try to read something unsuccessfully - mind your own business, because you can lose everything forever
    if you're mocking him - if you do not determine in time the direction in which you want to move in your life, many opportunities can slip through your nose.