» Symbolism » Dream symbols. Dream Interpretation. » Hermit crab - the meaning of sleep

Hermit crab - the meaning of sleep

Dream Interpretation Hermit

    To dream of a hermit means that you are withdrawing from everyday life and distancing yourself from others; At any cost, you must find a way to get out of this madness. The hermit is a symbol of bitterness and annoyance at the situation that happens to you in life; Perhaps you want to temporarily disappear from the lives of some people or are tired of constant instructions on how to cope with life.
    see the hermit - on your way you will meet fake people who will try to slander you
    be him - a need for solitude or silence
    hermit with a beard someone will soon become your mentor
    see him in torn clothes - remember that doing charity work will not bring you income
    to be a hermit among people - you do not find a common language with some people, maybe that's why you feel isolated.