» Symbolism » Dream symbols. Dream Interpretation. » What do dreams about other people mean? See what our dream book says about this phenomenon!

What do dreams about other people mean? See what our dream book says about this phenomenon!

Dreams contain hidden meanings and powerful messages. When you dream about someone, it means that this person is thinking about you or is involved in your life. Dreams about other people are ambiguous, so it is important to remember all the details in order to understand exactly what the dream means. Read what our dream book says about this!

When you daydream about someone, it's a sign that you want their approval or attention. This is likely due to the fact that the person is ignoring you or not participating in your courtship. Most likely, you need people to love you or admire you. So when you don't feel valued or overlooked, you start to doubt your appearance or self-confidence.

The person in your dreams thinks of you

Dreaming about someone may be a sign that this person is thinking or dreaming about you. If you are dreaming of someone you haven't seen for a long time, it is likely that this person is thinking about you or may soon appear in your life.

When you meet a person in a dream, pay close attention to their actions or body language. You will quickly find out if he has a positive or negative opinion of you.

Dreaming about someone could be a sign of infatuation

. If a person likes you, sleep means your self-acceptance, self-confidence and self-respect. And vice versa, if a person in a dream, as it were, rejects you, then you are depressed and a feeling of insecurity creeps in. This can be seen as a kind of defense mechanism implemented by the subconscious.

See also:

Dream about someone you don't like

Usually, the people we like are in our head during the day or before bed, so dreams about them are a common occurrence. All analyzes and interpretations of these dreams indicate that our mind is engaged in a constant process of accepting and rejecting certain thoughts. All these thoughts and feelings together create different kinds of emotions, so dreams are probably their manifestation.

Dream of the dead

If the deceased who appeared in your dreams was next to you, the dream is a sign of longing and an attempt to free yourself from grief, in which you are still subconsciously. Such dreams can also symbolize unresolved issues or conflicts with the deceased. If you are going through a difficult moment in your life, a dream about a dead person may have a clue that will help you solve your problem. Sometimes it is also a symbol that

Dream about friends from the past

You can be friends with the friends of your dreams; you can also fight them. If you treat them well, it means that soon you will discover some hidden qualities or talents that you possess. Fighting them shows that it is difficult for you to get rid of your bad qualities.

It is said that the friends that appear in your dreams are projections of an unknown "you". Their presence in your dreams sheds light on your inner world, about which you know little.

Erotic dreams

Erotic dreams are common. Sex is one of the "basic instincts" of people, and dreams in which you have sex with someone only show the rush of emotions associated with this instinct. This is not necessarily related to any specific person in your dreams. A dream is like a collage of fragments of experiences from our past and everyday life.