» Symbolism » Dream symbols. Dream Interpretation. » Church - the meaning of sleep

Church - the meaning of sleep

Church dream book

    The church dream is a promise to live in harmony with oneself, it is a symbol of service, deep spirituality and people's work.
    if you are a clergyman - it means that you are looking for someone who could make an important decision for you
    the church collects money during mass is an announcement that you will force your opinions or feelings on others
    the church is praying - announces that someone will impose rules and patterns that you will have to follow on a daily basis
    churchman who is your friend - means that your activity will be an important lesson for many people around you

if you confess to a churchman You will make the mistake of making an important choice in your life

    trip with the churchyard is a warning that pleasure will have consequences
    several church - means that you will again begin to believe in things that have long lost value to you
    chance meeting with a churchman is the message to always live in harmony with your conscience.