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Aristocrat - the meaning of sleep

Dream Interpretation Aristocrat

    In dreams, an aristocrat symbolizes a sense of superiority and the desire for unlimited power, is associated with wealth and splendor, a life of luxury. The dream illustrates the dreamer's sense of superiority in relation to his own social circle, as a rule, is a bad omen, portending numerous troubles and dilemmas in life.
    If you see an aristocrat in a dream you will receive an unexpected gift from someone or good news awaits you.
    When you dream about it you are an aristocrat this is a sign that your views will be completely at odds with generally accepted principles, be careful not to exceed certain standards, thanks to which people respect you for what you do.
    Meeting of a group of aristocrats portends unfavorable changes in the dreamer's life, which at first looked very promising. The dream is a message to avoid over-trusting people who put forward optimistic slogans, because they may have hidden intentions towards you.
    Conversation with an aristocrat in a dream portends that you will meet a rich man on your way who will treat you in advance. The dream brings with it the conclusion not to feel inferior to others, but to begin to look at oneself with more confidence and appreciation for one's own merits.
    When in a dream from a man comes an aristocrat this is a sign to finally stop looking only at the tip of your nose, as it can cause you to become overly narcissistic about yourself. A dream is usually a sign that pride and greed can lead the dreamer to a quick death.
    If a woman dreams of an aristocrat this means that you should get down to earth as soon as possible, as your audacity will not be recognized by others.
    If you dream that you serve an aristocrat this announcement that you will begin to exalt yourself among other people, although you will have no reason for this, your blind faith in non-existent ideals will completely cloud your eyes and completely change your current point of view.
    Quarrel with an aristocrat in a dream means that you will expose yourself to an important person on whom your future fate will depend. However, you will be able to deftly get out of this situation, because you will do something so amazing that it will knock everyone around you off your feet.