» Symbolism » Dream symbols. Dream Interpretation. » Angel number 48 - Angelic numerology. The secret of the angel number 48.

Angel number 48 - Angelic numerology. The secret of the angel number 48.

Angel number 48

Angel number 48 is made up of a combination of the energies and attributes of numbers 4 and 8. Angel number four carries the values ​​of honesty and truth, achievement and success, realistic values, hard work and determination, hard work and practicality, as well as building a solid foundation for both your future, so for your future and others. The number 4 also refers to our passions and what drives us to act. On the other hand, angel number 8 resonates with science through life experience, reliability and independence, inner wisdom and strength, the realization of prosperity and wealth through the law of attraction, Karma - the universal spiritual law in the Universe - cause and effect. , give and receive.

Angel number 48 carries a message from your Angels that a cycle or stage in your life is coming to an end. However, you will soon be rewarded for your hard work. Don't be afraid of lack or loss of any kind, as the approaching end heralds you a new beginning and greater opportunity and opportunity. Your successes and achievements will bring you blessings and reward you in many ways.

Angel number 48 may suggest that the angels of prosperity are all around you and will accompany you as you go through the upcoming positive changes in your life. The angels are asking you to drive away fears about your financial situation and transform them into light energies. You have nothing to fear because everything you need will be provided for you.

The number 48 carries the message that the determination and hard work you have put into living your life only your own way according to your beliefs and convictions has completely synchronized you with your spiritual mission and God's purpose in life. Thus, your life will flow in abundance and prosperity as long as you continue and continue on your chosen path. Trust the angelic support and the guidance they give you through which they guide you. Remember that you will often feel them instinctively.

Angel number 48 also refers to the number 3 (4+8=12, 1+2=3).

Namaste. The light in me bows to the light in you.