6 Worms

6 Worms

The meaning of 6 hearts

Six of worms is Cupid's card, who directs an arrow to your heart. Essentially, the six of hearts means the beginning of a new romance or marriage proposals (marriage proposal?).

Generally about sixes

Six is ​​a playing card that represents the six symbols of the card suit. A complete deck of playing cards consists of four sixes, one of each suit (6 clubs, 6 tambourines, 6 hearts and 6 spades).

The above explanation of the meaning of the 6 worm card is very general. It should be borne in mind that there are many different schools of "reading" cards - their meanings can vary greatly depending on the personal views and inclinations of the person.

Let's remember! Fortune-telling or "reading" cards should be approached with suspicion. ??