» Symbolism » Human aura - what is it? you see her

Human aura - what is it? you see her

Aura is a term of Latin origin and means: steam, gust, wind, breeze... Aura in the field of esotericism describes the phenomenon of observing immaterial colors and shapes that surround not only people, but also objects. When someone claims to have the ability to perceive an aura, it means that they can see and feel the emotions, health and vitality of that person. In parapsychology, the aura is identified with the Christian halo that surrounds the heads of the saints.

An attempt to define the aura as close to science as possible defines it as the energy field of a person that surrounds him and reflects his energy resources... Since only a few perceive the aura in humans, its existence is often questioned, but in recent years there has been a growing interest in the scientific community in trying and using various types of devices to study and measure aura. Why? Because everything indicates that when we can finally define the individual aura, we will also be able to perceive and describe the health of each person on this basis. For in the aura there are clear indications of the state of the body even before they turned into symptoms of physical illness.

In the world of esotericism, each of us has individual aurawho has the ability to connect with the aura of other people when we are close enough to them. When we have a friendship with another person, the aura of those people will be attracted and unified, and when the relationship is cold, it means that the aura of enemies will always repel and never connect.

Aura colors - what do they mean?

The aura contains a lot of information about a given person, and one of the carriers of knowledge is its color. The color of the aura depends on the current emotional state, health and physical condition. The aura can take the form of waves intersecting with each other and, thus, creating an energy network, each layer of the aura penetrates the other, and each is responsible for its own sphere of life. People who can perceive the aura often describe it with colors, each representing a different personality trait.

RedRed is the color of the root chakra, which is associated with our connection with the physical body and the material world around us. Appears in Auras fearless peoplewho have a natural understanding of their physical reality and enjoy the manifestation of their desires in the material world. They are passionate and do not apologize for having dynamic and abundant adventures in their lives. They are driven to life by passion and anxiety.
Pink colorReal, brighter than pink. one of the rare flowerswhat appears in the aura. A pink aura can be observed around people who are gentle in nature and radiate a pleasant, loving energy to every being with whom they come in contact. They are sensitive people who adhere to the ideals of romantic love and often have a natural ability to maintain lasting relationships. Pink vibrates at the same frequency as green, which corresponds to the heart chakra.
YellowYellow is the color of the solar plexus chakra, which governs our intelligence, self-esteem, and personal strength. People with a yellow energy field resonate with vibrations of confidence, happiness, strong self-esteem, respect, and the ability to inspire others to greatness. Are located born leaderswith a high level of vital energy. People with a yellow aura encourage and support other people - they glow like the sun.
Orange colorOrange is the color of the sacral chakra associated with creativity, sensuality and our emotional body... Orange is an energetic center for exchanges and relationships with an emphasis on friendship and interaction with others. People with orange energy in their aura resonate with vibrations of joyful exchange related to work, resources, money, time, energy or love.
Color ZelenyGreen frequencies resonate with the vibration of the heart chakra, center for personal development and healing... People with a green aura radiate unconditional love and life force energy that all beings feel in their presence. For this reason, people with a bright green aura tend to become attracted to nature and animals over time - people who become natural healers. Being in the presence of someone with a green "energy field" can be a very soothing and relaxing experience.
Blue colourThroat chakra blue regulating communication and self-expression... The true light blue color of the aura indicates a person with natural gift of self-expression and the ability to speak the truth... People with a bright blue light in their aura have inner knowledge and wisdom - they also rely on their senses to determine what is right, without having to corroborate external facts or data. These people place great importance on personal relationships. Honesty and clarity in communication are very important to them.
PurplePurple is the color of the crown chakra to which it belongs. connection with our dreams and higher consciousness... People with purple aura are dynamic, charismatic and have a strong character. Their mission or life mission is to guide and inspire humanity and lead us into a new era of prosperity, happiness and integrity. They have an inner and motivating need to do something important in their lives. They are visionaries, they have high ideals and hopes for the future.
White colorA clear, completely white aura without any other color is a sign that went beyond the physical realm... It is extremely rare - such people are free from personal problems, prohibitions and health problems, so their aura emits only pure white frequencies.

Aura anomalies

Stripes / beams of lightIf there are rays or streaks of light in your aura, it could mean that you are in direct connection with an energy source, universe, spirit, divinity, etc. This is a state of consciousness in which you are open to receive messages, signs and energy from other beings, frequencies, dimensions or spheres.
Energy spheresBalls of light that appear in the aura can represent protective or spiritual energy.
Muted or saturated colorsWhen the colors in your aura are dull or very intense, it could indicate your energy.

Auric Pictures - How can you see the aura?

Human aura - what is it? you see herBut how to research and test the aura so that it can be used by science? One way to register an aura is Kirlian photography... It includes the use of photographic materials and a high voltage and high frequency generator for recording electrical discharges. The photographed object is placed on the photosensitive surface of the photographic material and a sufficiently high voltage is applied to it; corona discharges are visible on the photographic surface, which are visible on the periphery of the photographed object.

However, each of us is able to perceive the aura of another person. It is enough to return to early childhood and use the skills that were then well developed. In the early years of life, we all have peripheral vision, which allows us to see a glow around every obstacle we face. As you get older, this skill gradually fades away, but after a little training it can be restored.

Purification of the aura - what is it?

There are many ways to control or clear your aura. You can do this yourself, through meditation, visualizing the aura as white light penetrating our body from head to toe. The aura is also cleared by manipulating and redirecting body energy through touch. This method originated in Japan and consists in removing energy blockages, that is, eliminating natural energy blockages that usually form in places of physical trauma or emotional pain.