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Aquarius - Zodiac Sign

Aquarius - Zodiac Sign

Plot of the ecliptic

from 300 ° to 330 °

Aquarius eleventh zodiac sign of the zodiac... It is attributed to people born when the Sun was in this sign, that is, on the ecliptic between 300 ° and 330 ° ecliptic longitude. This length falls out from January 19/20 to February 18/19 - exact dates depend on the year of issue.

The hieroglyph of Aquarius is depicted in the form of two horizontal waves, which are uniquely associated with water - the main attribute of this sign, although it is an air sign. This symbol is also associated with dark blue, purple, blue and the number 11. The word "Aquarius" literally means "the one who pours water."

Aquarius - The origin and description of the name of the zodiac sign.

This zodiac sign is associated with the constellation Aquarius. The word Aqua in the Latin name of the constellation means "water". The ancient Egyptians identified the pale stars of Aquarius with the gods of the Nile and believed that it was this constellation that marked the beginning of the annual life-giving flood.

In Greek mythology, this theme appears in the story of the great flood sent to Earth by Zeus.

In Greek tradition, Aquarius is represented as a young man pouring water from a jug. There are several versions of the story explaining the origin of the character holding the pitcher. One of them depicts Ganymede, the most beautiful man on Earth. He was the son of Tros, king of Troy, after whom the city was named. Zeus, fascinated by Ganymede, wanted him to be around. Turning into an eagle, he kidnapped the young man and took him to Olympus, where he served the gods, giving them water mixed with nectar and ambrosia. That is why the constellation Eagle is located in the sky near Aquarius.

Aquarius is not a name, but the name of a mythological action or character. The most famous counterparts of Aquarius in mythology are Ganymede and Aristeus.

Characteristics of the sign in astrology

The rulers of the sign of Aquarius are Saturn and Uranus. In this sign, the sun is in exile while Mercury is rising.