» Symbolism » Astrological Symbols » Scorpio - zodiac sign

Scorpio - zodiac sign

Scorpio - zodiac sign

Plot of the ecliptic

from 210 ° to 240 °

Scorpio is Eighth zodiac sign of the zodiac... It is attributed to people born when the Sun was in this sign, that is, on the ecliptic between 210 ° and 240 ° ecliptic longitude. This length falls out from 22/23 October to 21/22 November.

Scorpio - Origin and description of the name of the zodiac sign

Scorpio is one of the oldest known constellations. Five thousand years ago, it was recognized by the Sumerian civilization. Even then it was Gir-Tab (Scorpio). The Scorpio story is closely related to the Orion story. Orion was a powerful hunter. He became so confident in himself that he announced that he could kill all animals on Earth.

In Greek mythology, Scorpio was the one who killed Orion. According to one legend, Gaia sent a scorpion after Orion tried to rape Artemis, the Greek goddess of nature and the hunt. Another says that it was Mother Earth who sent the scorpion to humiliate Orion, who boasted that he could kill any wild beast. The fight lasted a long time, as a result, Orion got tired and fell asleep. Then the scorpion stung him to death. His pride was the reason for his downfall. The duel between the scorpion and Orion was so spectacular that Zeus, who was watching him, decided to raise the fighters into the sky. Orion stood almost in front of his adversary, the scorpion.

Orion rises only when Scorpio descends, and when Scorpio rises, Orion disappears beyond the horizon.

The Greeks believed that the constellation Scorpio consists of two parts: ticks and a body. Later, the Romans formed a new constellation - Libra from the elongated claws of the Greek Scorpio.

The former Polish term for a scorpion was "bear."